Saw Patterns - Flipped Sheets

Saw Patterns - Flipped Sheets

We run a split flow process (patterns processed between beam saw vs. nesting), fed from an automated panel management system. Often times, same work order will run multiple batches, some materials (with machining) to nest, and those without machining go to the saw. Point being, same materials used in same production runs. 

When running veneers (or any material with an A/B side) we will always input these into our storage system face down - so nested processing goes correctly.

When running split flow, and some grain matched products are sequenced to adjacent products - nest comes out upside down (correct) because that's how the nests are configured. However, saw patterns process from the top down. So, if our operators don't know the difference, and process a sequenced pattern, it would actually be mirrored incorrectly.

Is there a way in MV to mirror saw patterns so sheets can process upside down? Of course this requires scoring blades, etc... to be calibrated well, but in our process (mechanically speaking) this is not a problem. We also premill on our bander to take up any potential chippage. We'd prefer to run all patterns face down to prevent all user thinking/room for error.

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