Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0112.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0112.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0112.641

FLA Connection Fix

  1. There was an issue experienced by some users wherein, sporadically throughout their Microvellum session, they would have an erroneous alert informing them that their device had disconnected from the internet, and their session had ended. This issue has been resolved- FLA sessions should no longer have this message popping up unless a session has been disconnected from the internet for an extended period. 

Spoil Board Unit Fix

Figure 1: Incorrectly rounded spoilboard penetration values.

  1. There was an issue discovered and reported with router spoil board penetration while using the Imperial configuration- the issue would cause the values to incorrectly round to the decimal place, as though it were a Metric measurement. This would, for example, cause a measurement of .004 to round down to 0 rather than simply remain as a .004. This issue has been resolved- the spoiler board penetration value should now accurately match the input value. 

Center Tool Composition Fix

Figure 2: Arc polyline without center tool composition arrow displayed.
  1. An issue was reported with the 3D representation of arc polylines, wherein some users who created arc polylines found that the arrow indicating the center of the tool composition would not appear on screen. This issue was exclusively an issue with the 3D representation, as the center compensation appeared accurately when examining the resultant composite drawings. It has been resolved- center tool compensation should now properly display when routing with a center offset has been added to an arc polyline. 

Module Trial License Refreshing Fix

  1. Some users experienced an issue with the granting of trial modules. When users obtained a trial of a module, the trial would register correctly and enable, as intended, but upon refreshing or restarting of the software, some users found that their trial module would be disabled, the previously granted license not displaying or registered. This issue has been resolved- modules enabled for trial should retain their status as trial modules upon a software reset or refresh. 

Library Designer Fix

Figure 3: Error appearing after exiting the Library Designer UI without selecting products or subassemblies.
  1. An issue was reported with the Library Designer, with users encountering an error that would occur when one entered the Library Designer, added a library, then elected to select products and subassemblies, then exited out of both the products and subassemblies UI. The software would display the error warning above. This issue has been resolved- this sequence of events should no longer result in an error, and users should be able to exit from the Library Designer UI without issue.  

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