Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0119.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0119.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0119.641

Exported Toolfiles Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with exported Toolfiles, wherein exported .tlfx Toolfiles were incapable of being opened within the Workbook Designer.
  2. This issue has been resolved- Workbook Designer should now open imported .tlfx files without issue, and imported Toolfiles will be able to be opened without issue.

Processing Center Parts Fix

  1. There was an issue reported wherein assigning parts to processing stations would occasionally revert. When assigning parts to processing stations, and clearing assignments from certain parts, then processing, attempting to modify the work order after would result in the assigned parts resetting to their original assignments.
  2. This issue has been resolved- parts assigned to stations should now retain their changed assignments after being processed when one modifies a work order.

License Refresh Fix

Figure 1: Erroneous license refresh duration.
  1. There was an issue wherein the license refresh pop-up that would inform users of the remaining time before they were required to refresh their license in a session would display inaccurate or incorrect spans of time. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- the license refresh UI pop-up should now display the accurate span of time remaining before a refresh is required.

Flatshot Polyline Token Fix

Figure 2: Intended flatshot with polyline token holes.

Figure 3: Flatshot with erroneous polyline token holes.

  1. When creating flatshots of products, there was an issue that some users experienced wherein the polyline token holes on the products in the flatshot would alter or differentiate in their reports, in differing sizes based on the swing direction of the door.
  2. This issue has been resolved- flatshots should no longer experience issues with polyline token holes based on door swing direction.  

Pocketing Fixes

  1. There was an issue occurring in pocketing sequences wherein the sequence of the process would change depending on the rotation of the machining, with certain machining rotations causing cutouts to run before pocketing, resulting in problems with materials dropping before being pocketed or cutout before being pocketed. There were certain situations wherein pocketing would not apply to drawings due to this sequencing problem.
  2. This issue has been resolved- pocketing sequences should now progress as intended, with pocketing occurring before cutouts. 

Setmill Placement Fix

Figure 4: Composite drawing with arc (left) and altered arc with setmill location change (right).
  1. An issue was reported wherein some users found that while attempting to change the setmill location in a composite drawing of a part with an arc would result in the shape of the part changing. Upon processing a batch in the nesting station, adding a new sheet, and creating a part with an arc within the composite drawing, and then altering the setmill location using the Part Tools Tab, the arc would change location, and thus, the shape of the part.
  2. This issue has been resolved- altering setmill location should no longer alter part shapes.

4 Digit File Name Fix

Figure 5: File with incorrect filename (top).
  1. There was an issue reportedly occurring, wherein some users who’d enabled the “Use 4 Character Numeric Filenames” setting in their respective Toolfile found the setting would not apply to work orders that had parts with face 6 machining added to them using the nest editing tools.  
  2. This issue has been resolved- the setting should now function properly when enabled, with files being generated using 4 character numeric names.

CutRite PTX Fix

  1. Some users experienced an issue with the CutRite ASCII station, wherein the station would not correctly swap out the material name and material handling code in all areas of the resultant PTX file. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- CutRite ASCII stations should now properly pass through and display material names and handling codes as intended. 

SMA Rotation Fix 

Figure 6: SMA rotation issue.
  1. An issue was reported wherein parts would not automatically rotate to fit on available sheet sizes. Though this issue could be circumvented by manually rotating the part, the need for the SMA to place a flat edge of the part on the sheet border would lead to an error from the software wherein it would not register the ability to place the part. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- parts should now rotate to automatically adjust and rotate based on the available sheet sizes.

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