Report - Display Dual Dimensions in mm and fractional inches

Report - Display Dual Dimensions in mm and fractional inches

What is the report expression to convert a decimal number to the nearest 1/16" on a report when the MV options are Imperial, Decimals, and "Yes" convert to metric?

These expressions show both the dimensions as decimals and I'd like to see the imperial units as fractions to the nearest 1/16".
{IIF(MVGetConvertToMetric = "yes", IIF(MVGetUnitType = "imperial", (Products.Width / 25.4), ""), "")}"

{IIF(MVGetConvertToMetric = "yes", IIF(MVGetUnitType = "imperial", (Products.Height / 25.4), ""), "")}"

{IIF(MVGetConvertToMetric = "yes", IIF(MVGetUnitType = "imperial", (Products.Depth / 25.4), ""), "")}"

This link explains the report value format, but doesn't explain how to change or use dual formats.

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