Microvellum uses machine tokens to identify the type and frequency of machining operations necessary to construct your products.
One of these is the associative CAMLOCK token we use for creating the machining necessary to assemble your products with cam lock connectors and cam screws.
This token drills a series of holes in the edge specified by the first argument and places a series of holes in a panel that touches the specified face. It also drills a hole for the cam lock in the face of the panel. Also, it supports the accurate placement of cam lock machining while using its offset parameter.
Parameter Overview
Here are the details of each parameter for this token.
Token Name
CAMLOCK (Associative Cam Locks)
We use the word ‘CAMLOCK’ to identify this token. Followed by a numbered edge to apply the token. In the example below, ‘CAMLOCK’ identifies the token and ‘5’ is the edge or face number:
Example: “CAMLOCK5”
Parameter 1 – Hole Locations
Use the first parameter to enter the dimension from the edge of the panel to the hole. If you want more than one hole, enter a distance for the location of each hole, separated by commas.
Example: “2, 11.5, 21.125”
Parameter 2 – Edge Bore Diameter (Metric)
Use the second parameter to enter the edge bore diameter.
Example: “8”
Parameter 3 – Edge Bore Depth
Use the third parameter to enter the edge bore depth.
Example: “0.875”
Parameter 4 – Z Location
Use the fourth parameter to enter the dimension in the Z-axis to drill the horizontal hole. If left blank, the hole will be centered on the panel edge.
Parameter 5 – Face Bore Diameter 1 2 (Metric)
Use the fifth parameter to enter the face bore diameter of the holes for the shaft, followed by a comma and then the face bore diameter of the cam lock.
Example: “8, 15”
Parameter 6 – Face Bore Depth 1 2
Use the sixth parameter to enter the face bore depth of the holes for the shaft, followed by a comma and then the face bore depth of the cam lock.
Example: “0.5, 0.5”
Parameter 7 – Backset
Use the seventh parameter to enter the dimension from the edge of the part to the center of the cam adjuster. You can add multiple holes by using a pipe symbol to delimit each separate value.
Example: “1”
Parameter 8 – CamFace
Use the eighth parameter to enter the face on which to drill the cam lock hole. Specify 5 or 6.
Example: “5”
Parameter 9 – Camlock Options Parameter
Use the ninth parameter for three cam lock token options. Separate each option with a pipe symbol.
- Use the first option for opposite face drilling. Enter a value of 1 if you would like to drill the construction holes on the opposite face from the intersecting parts - commonly known as a face 6 machining operation. This is used primarily for countersinking but not limited to any other face drilling operation.
- Use the second option to offset the opposite face drilling center from the edge drilling center. A positive value and negative value can be used to adjust the face hole position.
- Use the third value to offset the entire array. Each value in parameter 1 will be moved along the panel edge by an amount equal to the value entered in this option.
Fig. 01 - AutoCAD Wireframe View of the Cam Locks Machining
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