This document is a reference article explaining how to work with the machine tokens and their parameters to produce hardware items in a work order. It also explains the commands and properties that apply to these tokens.
See Hardware from machine Tokens (Overview) in the Microvellum Help Center for an overview of this new ability.
Using this new feature of Microvellum, configure the machine tokens HOLES, PLINEFROMHOLES, SLIDE, and CAMLOCK machine tokens to populate the work order database with specific hardware names. These names may be modified in either the Part Properties interface or the Edit Design Data (aka Library Spreadsheet) environment.
Configure this ability to add hardware by formatting the name of these four tokens with a curly bracket set and include a Hardware name within those curly brackets. If multiple hardware items should be created with a token, enter the names of the multiple hardware items separated by a pipe symbol.
Here is an example using the CAMLOCK token:
Using this format in the hardware name will add two pieces of hardware for every hole location stated in parameter 1 of the machine token (see below).
For every hole produced by a machine token with hardware attached, the hardware item specified in the name will be added to the product hardware collection and populated to the database. This produces correct quantities of hardware based on actual machining using token parameters.
The machine tokens are accessible from the following locations.
Edit Design Data > Cut Parts > “Machine Token 1”(through Machine Token xx), or
Edit Design Data > Subassemblies > Cut Parts > “Machine Token 1” (through Machine Token xx), or
Modify > Modify Products > Part Properties > Machining Tokens > <part name>
The token name is one of the supported machine tokens that produce hardware. The edge number is the edge that will receive the machine token; in this case, edge #4.
The token description is a text string that identifies that particular token and its parameters to the user.
The hardware name #1 is the first hardware item to be produced by the token.
The hardware name #2 is the second hardware item to be produced by the token. You may also add additional tokens by separating each with the pipe symbol.
This token drills a series of holes in the edge specified by the first parameter and places a series of holes in a panel that touches the specified face. It also drills a hole for the cam lock in the face of the panel.
The dimension from the edge of the panel to the hole. If you want more than one hole, enter each location separated by a comma.
The edge bore diameter.
The edge bore depth of the holes.
The dimension in Z to drill the horizontal hole. If left blank, the “Construction Holes Z Value” variable will be used from the global variable file. If that global variable is left blank, the hole will be centered on the panel.
The face bore diameter of the holes for the shaft followed by a comma and then the face fore diameter of the cam lock.
The face bore depth of the holes for the shaft, followed by a command. Then the face bore depth of the cam lock.
Dimension from the edge of the part to the center of the cam adjuster. You can add multiple holes by using a pipe symbol to separate each value.
The panel face on which to drill the cam lock hole. Specify face 5 or face 6.
This parameter specifies various options for the camlock token. Each option is separated by a pipe symbol. Currently, there are three options.
This token drills a series of holes in the edge at the exact location specified and places a series of holes in a panel that touches the specified face.
The dimension from the edge of the panel to the hole. If you want more than one hole, enter each location separated by a comma.
The edge bore diameter.
The edge bore depth of the holes.
The offset from the front edge. This parameter must be turned ON under the Machining tab in the Options.
The face bore diameter.
The face bore depth.
Used for opposite face drilling. Enter a 1 if you would like to drill the construction holes on the opposite face of the intersecting parts. Commonly known as face 6 machining operation. Used primarily for countersinking, but not limited to any face drilling operation.
The dimension in Z to drill the horizontal hole. If left blank, the “Construction Holes Z Value” variable will be used from the global variable file. If that global variable is left blank, the hole will be centered on the panel.
With this token, you specify a hole location on an edge and create a polyline route on an associated parts face.
The dimension from the edge of the panel to the hole. If you want more than one hole, enter each location separated by a comma.
For each hole location, enter a 1 to turn ON the associated polyline route for that hole. If no route is needed for a hole location, enter a 0. Each value should be separated by a pipe symbol.
The edge bore diameter value in metric units followed by a pipe symbol, and the edge bore depth value in your current units. If you do not want the hole to be centered on the edge of the part, enter another pipe followed by the dimension. The last optional parameter is additional information passed to a toolfile when needing to know the insertion point of the hardware.
Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of each vector of the routing sequence. Each point should be separated by a semi-colon. Each group of points should be separated by a pipe symbol.
Enter the bulge value for each vector - 0 for a straight-line route. Separate each value with a semi-colon to create a delimited list of values. If you enter nothing here, all vectors will be straight lines.
If you want to control the feed speed of the machine on a per-vector basis, create a semi-colon delimited list with the feed speed of each vector listed. If you enter nothing here, the feed speed in the material file will be used. If not feed speed is found in the material file, the feed speed in the toolfile will be used.
This parameter provides seven options. Separate each value with a semi-colon. If you enter nothing here, all default option values will be used.
Enter the tool number for the route. If you would like to rotate the route, enter a pipe symbol after the tool number, followed by a rotation value between 0 and 360. If you want a profile for the router, enter a second pipe symbol followed by the name or the profile to use.
Enter the offset of the router bit.
This token places a series of holes for the drawer slide mounting ina a panel that is distanced away from the specified face by the distance entered.
The dimension from the bottom of the drawer to the center of the hole.
The dimension from the edge of the AFFECTED panel to the first hole.
The dimension from the edge of the AFFECTED panel to the second hole.
The dimension from the edge of the AFFECTED panel to the third hole.
The dimension from the edge of the AFFECTED panel to the fourth hole.
The dimension from the edge of the AFFECTED panel to the fifth hole.
The depth to drill the drawer slide holes. If you want to override the global variable for the hole diameter, enter a pipe symbol followed by the diameter.
Enter a value for the gap between the drawer side and the part to receive the machining.