ASSOCPLINE Machine Token

ASSOCPLINE Machine Token

Microvellum uses machine tokens to identify the type and frequency of machining operations necessary to construct your products.


The Associative Polyline Token was created to facilitate the use of parametric polylines where two parts touch. The token can be used to guide machining along a specific route on the part's surface, using nine parameters for precise control.

An example of ASSOCPLINE being used on the treads of this staircase causing machining to be made on the Right Stringer part. 

Moving the Stringer 100mm to the right shows that the machining is being generated by the Associative Polyline Machine Token from the Staircase's Tread, but since the parts are not in contact, no machining is being generated on the Stringer's face.

Parameter Overview

Here are the details of each parameter for this token.

ASSOCPLINE (Associative Polyline Machining Token)

We use the word ‘ASSOCPLINE’ to identify this token. Followed by a numbered edge to apply the token. In the example below, ‘ASSOCPLINE’ identifies the token and ‘4’ is the edge or face number.
Example: "ASSOCPLINE4"

Parameter 1: Vector Locations
Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of each vector of the routing sequence. Each point should be separated by a semi-colon. Each group of points should be separated by a pipe.

Parameter 2: Bulge List
Enter the bulge for each vector, 0 for a straight-line route. Separate each value with a semi-colon. If the entry is left blank, all vectors will be straight.

Parameter 3: Feed Speeds
If you want to control the feed speed of the machine on a per vector basis, make a semi-colon separated list with the feed speed of each vector listed. If the entry is left blank, the feed speed in the material file will be used. If no feed speed is found in the material file, the feed speed in the tool file will be used.

Parameter 4: Options
This parameter provides seven options. Separate each value with a semi-colon. If the entry is left blank, all default option settings will be used. With the first option, enter a 1 if the token is for machine code only. Enter a 2 if the token is for drawing purposes only. Enter a 0 (the default) if the token is used for both. For the second option, enter a 1 if you want the polyline to be drawn as a region or enter a 0 (the default) if you don't (Valid for closed polylines only). For the third option, enter a 1 if you want the first vector to be treated as a lead-in, meaning that it will be ignored for drawing purposes. Otherwise, enter 0 (the default). For the fourth option, enter a 1 if you want the last vector to be treated as a lead-out, meaning that it will be ignored for drawing purposes. Otherwise, enter 0 (the default). For the fifth option, enter a number that represents the sequence priority of the route. 1 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest priority. With a value of 0, the sequence will be determined automatically. For the sixth option enter a value that will be passed to the tool file to control the route angle. For the seventh option enter a value that will be passed to the tool file for the angle depth for the route. A tool file must be configured to support options 6 and 7.

Parameter 5: Offset|Rotation
This parameter can contain two groups of points that should be separated by a pipe. For the first group of points, enter an X, Y, and/or Z offset from the values in parameter 1. Each point should be separated by a semi-colon. For the second group of points enter the X center, Y center, and rotation angle. Each point should be separated by a semi-colon. All the points in parameter 1 will first be offset and then rotated about the center point by the rotation angle specified.

Parameter 6: Profile File Name
If you want to assign a profile cutter to the token, enter the drawing name here.

Parameter 7: Tool Number
The tool number.

Parameter 8: Tool Offset
The offset of the router bit.

Parameter 9: Penetration Value
The amount the part penetrates the associated panel. Positive values will penetrate the associated part, negative values will be away from the associated part.

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