EQ Functions

EQ Functions

It is sometimes convenient to design a product that contains parts with a varying quantity. An adjustable shelf is a good example of this. The problem is that no two shelves can occupy the same place in space. There are two potential solutions for this problem:
  1. You could add the maximum number of shelves you would ever need and use formulas in the quantity column to determine how many have a quantity of “one” based on the quantity of shelves the user specified.
  2. You could use a special function in the Z origin of the part that is capable of placing multiple parts in different places in space. Thus, even though only one part is specified, when the product is drawn or cut listed, the number of parts actually produced will be reflected by the parameters of the function. The syntax for these four special functions is described below.

The EQ1 Function

EQ1 is utilized when we want to either space adjustable shelves, or fixed shelves positioned vertically in a cabinet.  This function consists of arguments that specify the start and stopping point of the available space.

The EQ1 function will read the quantity and thickness of the part to determine the spacing.
The syntax can be expressed as follows:
Formula Example: =GETEQ1(Toe_Kick_Height,Height)

The EQ2 Function

EQ2 is utilized when you want to use multiple quantities for a part and locate two of the parts at specified locations, calculating the remainder of the space available for additional parts. Nailers in a storage cabinet would be a good example. You may want to have a top and bottom nailer and a varying number of intermediate nailers, depending on the height of the cabinet. The EQ2 function consists of arguments that specify the start and stopping point of the space that is available.
Note: When using the EQ2 statement, it is important to remember the base point of the parts you are spacing. In this instance, the base point for located at the bottom of the part.

The syntax can be expressed as follows:
Formula Example: =GETEQ2(Toe_Kick_Height+G!Base_Bottom_Thickness,Height-G!Nailer_Width)

The starting point is the bottom of the product, plus the toe kick height, plus the thickness of the bottom. The stopping point is the height of the product, minus the width of the part you are using. If you only have a quantity of two parts, they will be spaced at the starting and stopping points. If the quantity is greater than two, the space available between the first two will be calculated, and the remainder of the parts will be equally spaced in that area.

The EQH Function

EQH is utilized when you want to space horizontal parts, such as adjustable shelves or fixed shelves between vertical partition(s). The EQH function consists of arguments that either specifies the quantity of the divisions or partitions the thickness of the cabinet sides to deduct from the width of the unit and the thick-ness of the partition.
Note: The EQH statement uses the width of the product along with the arguments described above to determine where to place the shelves in the X origin.

The syntax can be expressed as follows: 
Formula Example: =GETEQH(Division_Qty,G!Side_Thickness+(G!Shelf_Clip_Gap/2),G!Side_Thickness+(G!Shelf_Clip_Gap/2),Division_Thickness+G!Shelf_Clip_Gap)

The EQV Function

The EQV function is utilized when you want to space vertical parts, such as partitions or sleepers, equally inside a cabinet.  The EQV function consists of arguments that specify both the quantity of vertical partitions and the thickness of the cabinet sides.

The syntax can be expressed as follows: 
Formula Example: =GETEQV(Division_Qty,G!Side_Thickness,G!Side_Thickness)

There are three optional arguments you can also use. Just like the other arguments, use commas to separate them. The first optional argument will specify the thickness of the part. If this argument is omitted, the thickness of the part will be determined using the material name. This provision is useful for positioning intermediate stiles within a face frame. In this case, you would need to consider the part’s width instead of its thickness. The second and third optional arguments specify the starting and stopping points. If these arguments are omitted, the product’s origin will be the starting point and the product’s origin, plus the product’s width, will be considered to be the stopping point.

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