Processing Station Nest Options - Optimization

Processing Station Nest Options - Optimization

The nesting optimization section in the Processing Station allows you to choose how to optimize parts within a material sheet. Selecting the strategy for your Nesting Optimizer will allow you to maximize materials by placing and rotating the parts as necessary to create a nested pattern that minimizes waste. Depending on the project, some strategy options may be more appropriate to provide accurate machining of small parts and calculating the best yield.  


Strategy Options

Best Yield: The Best Yield option is an algorithm that generates the best part yield to optimize material.

Smallest X: The Smallest X option will arrange parts from top to bottom along the nested sheet to produce the smallest value on the x-axis.

Smallest Y: The Smallest Y option will arrange parts from right to left along the nested sheet to produce the smallest value on the y-axis.

Small Parts to Center: This optimizer utilizes the ‘Small Part Threshold’ property to determine what qualifies as a small part. The optimizer first identifies and creates a collection of ‘small parts’ defined by the Small Part Threshold value. It then locates those small parts in the center of the sheet. For an example and more information on this feature, see Nesting Options – Small Parts to Center of Nest.

Part Grouping

Favor Item Number Best Yield: This feature will favor to group the item numbers together but will add other parts to the sheet to produce the best yield.

Restrict to Item Number: Restricts parts with the same item number to same sheet regardless of yield result. (All of the 1.01 parts on the same sheet, all of the 1.02 parts on the same sheet, etc.) 

Parts with Face 6 Machining: All face 6 parts will be placed together on the last sheet.

Favor Item Number Sequential: This feature will place the parts on the sheet in sequential order starting at item number 1.01 to the last number in the drawing.

Checked Boxes and True Shape Nesting

Run Face 6 First (Full Sheet): The Run Face 6 Operations First Feature for Microvellum Software enables the ability to process bottom-side (face 6) machining first on nested sheets.

Restrict Placement by Drill Reach: It is recommended to only use this feature when a drill has restricted movement and is not going to be able to reach specific machining on a nested sheet. By checking the box, parts that are out of reach of the drill and need machining will move closer to the machine origin which may impact yield. The feature is not recommended to be used alongside True Shape Control as it may become incompatible.

True Shape Control: True Shape Nesting is an optimization algorithm delivering superior optimization results for irregularly shaped parts. The use of this feature can increase yield and decrease scrap. Raising True Shape Control will increase yield but will increase processing time.

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