Converts a color-dependent plot style table (CTB) to a named plot style table (STB). 

Displays the Select File dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box), where you can select the color-dependent plot style table file you want to convert. The Save As dialog box is then displayed. If necessary, specify a new location or name for the converted plot style table file. 

CONVERTCTB saves a copy of a color-dependent plot style table as a named plot style table, which you can then attach to drawings that use named plot styles. The original color-dependent plot style table is not affected by CONVERTCTB. The default location for the new named plot style table file is in the Plot Styles folder. The default name for the new named plot style table file is the same as the color-dependent plot style table name. 

CONVERTCTB creates one named plot style for each color that has unique plot properties, one named plot style for each group of colors that are assigned the same plot properties, and a default named plot style called NORMAL. 

For example, if all the colors in a color-dependent plot style table have the same plot properties, CONVERTCTB creates only two named plot styles in the named plot style table: NORMAL, the default plot style, and STYLE 1, which assumes the plot properties that were assigned to all the colors in the color-dependent plot style table. However, suppose that all the colors in a color-dependent plot style table have the same plot properties except for two colors, BLUE and GREEN. If these colors each have unique plot properties, CONVERTCTB creates four named plot styles in the named plot style table: NORMAL, the default plot style; STYLE 1, which assumes the plot properties of GREEN; STYLE 2, which assumes the plot properties of BLUE; and STYLE 3, which assumes the plot properties that were assigned to all the other colors. 

CONVERTCTB gives the plot styles in the new named plot style table generic names such as STYLE 1, STYLE 2. You can modify these generic plot style names in the Plot Style Table Editor. Click the Edit button on the Plot Device tab in the Page Setup dialog box. If you want to rename the plot styles, you must do so before applying them to drawing layouts. 

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