Library Data Codes

Library Data Codes

ProductCode was created to allow Toolbox to understand the type of cabinet or product it is working with and be able to behave accordingly. Four different custom functions can return the correct product Library Type, Library Sub Type, Category, and Subcategory to determine the exact type of product. It is not possible to alter or add different ProductCodes as it is incorporated into the software.  


      ProductCode is visible in the spreadsheets as a hidden prompt to view information for that specific product. For example, a Base Corner Cabinet would contain the following code of C, 2, B, C in the data. The ProductCode prompt is used extensively throughout the worksheets in functions. An example of this can be found in the Height of the Base Corner Cabinet, as the formula used for this prompt is =INDIRECT(“G!”&MYCATEGORY(ProductCode)&”_Cabinet_Height”). It is joining to the G! with the MyCategory(ProductCode) to return the Category as Base.  

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