The sections below provide a reference of all the sawing properties found in the Saw tab of a Processing Station with the type “Microvellum Sawing Optimization.”
Saw Blade Width: The optimizer needs to know the width of the saw blade. Each cut removes anywhere from 3 to 7 mm of material. The optimizer must take this into account to make sure there is enough room for all the parts with the saw blade width included in the calculation.
Grippers Width: The saw has grippers that push and pull the sheets back and forth to position the sheets before each cut is made. The size of these grippers vary from saw to saw. Some grippers could get in the way of the saw blade if a narrow strip must be cut along the outside edge of the sheet. When this is the case, the optimizer must avoid placing narrow strips along the outside edge of the sheet. If the saw automatically moves the grippers to avoid collisions, then you can enter a value of zero. If not, then enter the amount your grippers overhang the panel edge.
Maximum Stack Sheet Quantity: Enter the maximum number of sheets to cut at any one time. This value will be taken into consideration until it meets the Maximum Stack Height value. “Maximum Stack Sheet Quantity” will be limited if the number of sheets stacked is thicker than the “Maximum Stack Height” value.
Maximum Stack Height: Enter the maximum height (overall thickness of stacked panels) to cut at any one time.
Premill Amount: The amount added to parts, then removed by an edgebander when banding is applied. This value is specific to what the Processing Stations “Premill Amount” setting is set to.
If set to “ Use Legacy Premill ,” it is the amount added to the Cut Part Size on each edge containing edgebanding.
If set to “ Edgeband Thickness ” or “ Custom Edgeband Amount ,” this value is not used and can be left at 0 (zero).
Oversize Amount: This option allows all parts to be oversized in the Saw Optimization only. The amount entered is an overall part length and part width adjustment. (Example: Entering a value of 0.5 will increase the Length of the parts by 0.5 and the width of the parts by 0.5). This is primarily used as a way to compensate for inaccurate sawing. A Single Part Toolfile will need to be customized to offset all machining by half of the oversize amount in X and Y.
Perfect Grain Second Cut Trim: When G!Perfect_Grain is turned on, Perfect Grain Blanks/Containers are sent to the saw optimizer. If you wish to have a trim amount added to the outside of these Containers, enter that amount per edge.
Re-Cut Trailing Trim: This is an oversize amount for re-squaring 3 rd or higher phase cuts.
Strategy: Use the slide bar to select your desired balance between “Reduced Labor” and “Best Yield.”
Each strategy will use multiple concurrent processes to find the best overall sheet yield. Each process will use a different sub-strategy to vary preference between high yield or high part count. After all processes are finished, the sheet with the highest yield will be used. Each process is now limited by our new Optimizer Time Limit slider (previously fixed at 15 seconds). If any (or all) processes exceed the limit, its sheet (aborted work in progress) will be considered in the selection of the highest yield sheet.
Strategy 5 – Best Yield
All Phases will put significant effort into sorting through parts to best fill each strip of each phase.Will use the highest fill threshold to accept that one or more parts fills the strip in the phase.No stacked materials will be used.
Strategy 4
All Phases will put significant effort into sorting through parts to best fill each strip of each phase.Will use medium/high fill threshold to accept that one or more parts fills the strip in the phase.No stacked materials will be used.
Strategy 3
All Phases will put significant effort into sorting through parts to best fill each strip of each phase.Will use a medium fill threshold to accept that one or more parts fills the strip in the phase.Will use the highest stack threshold to allow only the best stacks of material.
Strategy 2
Only Phase 1 will put significant effort into sorting through parts to best fill each strip.Phase 2+ will fill each strip of each phase as quickly as possible picking the first part(s) that will fill it.Will use a medium/low fill threshold to accept that one or more parts fills the strip in the phase.Will use a medium stack threshold to allow more chances of using stacks of material.
Strategy 1 – Reduced Labor
Only Phase 1 will put significant effort into sorting through parts to best fill each strip.Phase 2+ will fill each strip of each phase as quickly as possible picking the first part(s) that will fill it.Will use the lowest fill threshold to accept that one or more parts fills the strip in the phase.Will use a low stack threshold to allow the highest chances of using stacks of material.
Use the properties in this section to select an option reflecting your preferred method of panel cutting.
Phase 1 Always Rip Cut: The first cut will always be a rip cut. Usually with material Length or Grain.
Phase 1 Favor Rip Cut: The optimizer will try to rip cut first, but may cross-cut first if it produces a better yield.
Phase 1 Auto: The optimizer will determine how to treat phase 1 cuts based on yield or labor (See “Strategy” below).
Phase 1 Favor Cross Cut: The optimizer will try to perform a cross-cut first, but may rip cut first if it will produce a better yield.
Phase 1 Always Cross Cut: The first cut will always be a cross-cut. Usually with material Width or Grain.
Number of Phases: Select the desired complexity level. A phase is the number of times a piece of material can be cut and rotated and re-cut. The first cut is phase one. The sheet is then rotated, and another cut is made, which is phase two. This second phase-cut will sometimes produce a part or will sometimes it will have to be rotated and cut again to produce a part or group of parts. This cut is called a third phase-cut, and so on for a fourth phase-cut. The Microvellum Saw Optimizer will support from two to four phases.
Sawing Axis Type: The parameter is not used at this time. Leave the setting at “Not Specified.”
Type: Select a unit rounding method. Most will use standard.
Decimal Places: Select the number of decimal places the saw requires for accuracy.
Use the properties in this section to select an option reflecting your preferred method of panel cutting.
Place Below Layout: The program places an index number on the part in the Saw Optimization Report, then reference that index number in a list below with part details. Most Users will select this option.
Place on Placed Part: The program places part details on the part in the optimization. This method may become cluttered if many smaller parts are in a single optimization.
Use the properties in this section to select the perfect grain optimization option desired.
Group Parts for Separate Operation: The program groups Perfect Grain Parts into a single cutout to be machined as a separate operation. This single cutout is also known as a Perfect Grain Container.
Cut Parts in Initial Sheet: The program retains Perfect Grained Parts orientation and attempts to cut the perfect grain pattern along with other Non-Perfect Grained Parts within the optimization.
Connection Name: This field must remain blank unless you have requested or are required to have a customization that goes beyond the currently available setting options. You will be provided with instructions on how to utilize this field if you have had customizations added to your Saw Optimizer.
Sheet Origin: Select the origin that matches your saws origin.
Output Type: Select your Saw output type. See the list below for each type and its unique properties.
NoSawLink: No optimization saw code is produced. It only produces a saw optimization report for manual optimized cutting.
CPOUT Microvellum: Creates a standard CPOUT file which is compatible with many saw types. When this option is selected, the “CPOUT Settings” section will become visible (see properties below). You will need to edit this section, so the program matches the CPOUT Header Information. Open an existing, working CPOUT with Word Pad or Notepad. This information is usually found on the third line labeled “HDR3.” Within the line of code, you will find the P-Code and the algorithm.
CPOUT Settings Section
P-Code: Select either CP10, CP20 or CP30 to match the HDR3 setting.
Algorithm: Select either Both, HV or LV to match the HDR3 setting.
Maximum Part Records in CPOUT: Enter the max number of parts to be included in a single CPOUT. Certain saws can only support a limited number of parts per CPOUT.
Create Saw OFF Records: Some saws require a CPOUT to show the waste or unused portions of the panel. This is usually for display purposes at the saw controller. If the machine requires this, turn this option on. Most will not require it.
File Number Range: Restricts the numbering range for CPOUT generated from the processing station.
CPOUT Enhanced Microvellum: Creates a CPOUT Enhanced file which is compatible with many saw types. When this option is selected, the “CPOUT Settings” section will become visible and will need to be edited to match the CPOUT Header Information as you would if you selected the CPOUT Microvellum output type. Open an existing, working CPOUT with Word Pad or Notepad. This information is usually found on the third line labeled “HDR3.” Within the line of code, you will find the P-Code and the Algorithm.
Enhanced CPOUT Settings Section : Same settings as the Standard CPOUT.
PRV: Same Settings and Controls as CPOUT files itemized above. File names will have “PRV” as the name with a progressing numeral or alphanumeric extension.
PRV Settings Section : Same settings as the Standard and Enhanced CPOUT.
Pattern Exchange: Creates a standard comma-delimited Optimized PTX file. When you select this output type, the Custom Settings tab becomes active (see below).
Custom Settings Tab :
Custom Info Fields Tab: Allows user-definable fields to be mapped in the PTX file. Select the desired fields from the Available Values list, and add them to the Used Values list. Selected fields will be populated in the order added.
Constant Values Tab:
UseExpandedInfo = 0 allows for 30 Custom Info Fields,
UseExpandedInfo = 1 allows for 60 Custom Info Fields.
Figure 5: Custom Settings, Constant Values, UseExpandedInfo
- The UseExpandedInfo variable also extends the character limit of several of the output fields. Those values are shown in the table below.
Output Limits UseExpandedInfo=0
Custom Info 30 Fields 60 Fields Jobs_Name 8 char 50 char Jobs_Desc 20 char 50 char PartsReq_Code 25 char 50 char PartsInf_Desc50 char 200 char PartsUDI_Info 50 char 200 char Boards_Code 25 char 50 char Materials_Code 25 char 50 char OffCuts_Code 25 char 50 char Patterns_Picture 8 char 255 char
Schelling: Specific Saw Output for Schelling brand machines. Creates a non-optimized STK file that can be imported to Schelling HPO Software for optimization. Since the optimization does not occur within Microvellum Software, this option will not populate the MV Saw Optimization Report. When you select this output type, the Custom Settings tab becomes active (see below).
Custom Settings Tab :
Custom Info Fields Tab: Allows user-definable fields to be mapped in the Schelling STK file and the order in which those will be populated to the F10-29 fields. A maximum of 20 items can be selected.
Constant Values Tab: Set the Board and Edge Information in the STK file on this tab.
IncludeBoardData: Includes Sheet/Material Info in the STK file. Enter a 0 (zero) to disable this option. Enter 1 to enable it.
IncludeEdgeData: Includes Edge/Material Info in the STK file. Enter a 0 (zero) to disable this option. Enter 1 to enable it.
UseBoardsDatabase: Uses the Schelling Controller Boards Database Info. Enter a 0 (zero) to disable this option. Enter 1 to enable it.
UseEdgeDatabase: Uses the Schelling Controller Edge Database Info. Enter a 0 (zero) to disable this option. Enter 1 to enable it.
Sigma 90: Works with WinCut 5 to import and convert Microvellum output files to an acceptable format for a Sigma controller. There is no file extension. Of the files created, the first will be the Work List. This file will be named the same as the Work Order it was created from. That file will show a list of each of the created optimized programs. These optimized programs will be named the same as the Work List with a progressive numeral, always starting over with 1 as the first program.
Sigma 90 Settings Section :
Program File Directory: Click the ellipsis button to navigate to the location where the program file will be written.
Destination Directory: Enter the location of the Destination Directory of the program file as it is seen from the Saw. For example, Program File Directory may be a mapped drive to a shared location on the c:\ of the saw (S:\SAW). The List File must contain the path to the program file that the Saw will use to import the program file. (C:\SAW).
Sigma WinCut 12: Works with WinCut 12 to import and convert Microvellum output files to an acceptable format for a Sigma controller. There is no file extension. Of the files created, the first will be the Work List. This file will be named the same as the Work Order it was created from. That file will show a list of each of the created optimized programs. These optimized programs will be named the same as the Work List with a progressive numeral, always starting over with 1 as the first program.
Sigma WinCut Settings Section
(Same settings as the Sigma 90.)
KDT XML: KDT XML is an XML standard required for KDT saws.
Optiplanning XML: Optiplanning XML is the new standard import file for Biesse saws running the OSI Controller.
MaestroCut XML: MaestroCut XML is the new standard import file for SCM Gabbiani saws running MaestroCut. MaestroCut XML outputs two files, the XMix and XPrg. The XMix file lists the programs generated by the optimizer for the current batch, while the XPrg contains the information required to run the optimized pattern on the saw.
Custom Settings Tab :
Custom Etichetta Campo Fields: Allows up to 64 user-definable fields to be mapped in the MaestroCut XML file. Select the desired fields and add them to the Used Values list.
Selected fields will be populated in the order added.
Maestro Cut Settings Section
XMix File Directory: Click the ellipsis button to navigate to the location where the XMix file will be written.
XPrg File Directory: Click the ellipsis button to navigate to the location where the XPrg file will be written.
Use Alphanumeric Extensions: Check this box to auto-generate a unique 3-digit alphanumeric extension in place of the standard 001-999 numbering system (Only available for select Output Types.)
Sawing Units: Select the desired Sawing Units, in the format Metric, Imperial or Imperial Fractions.
Saw Files Save Location:
Any saw output files created by the MV Saw Optimizer will be sent to the location specified in the “File Location” setting set in the Processing Stations “Files & Pictures” tab.