Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.0403.642

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.0403.642

The following release notes apply to Toolbox, Build  20.1.0407.641    

Project Management    

  • Added functionality to delete existing Stimulsoft DLLs in the AutoCAD folder when the program is run as administrator. On build 20.1.0207.642 forward, it is no longer necessary to copy the Stimulsoft DLLsto the AutoCAD folder. 
  1. Resolved issue where renaming a room and then copying it would revert the room name to its previous name.  
  2. Resolved issue where exporting and deleting many projects would freeze the program because it would run out of memory.  

2D Machining  

  1. Resolved issue in the Single Parts Editor where drawing a part in 2D and changing the depth of a PLINE would not be recognized as a change.
  2. Resolved issue where routing added through the Single Parts Editor would not update the Z value list when G-Code was made from drawing to pull the correct Z values.
  3. Resolved issue where the Single Parts Editor would not update the PLINE machine tokens correctly.
  4. Resolved issue where a PLINE machine token using the offset parameter could not be updated from 2D back to 3D. 
  5. Resolved issue where if the offset parameter were used with the rotation option, it wouldn't update the PLINE machine token parameter 1 values correctly from 2D back to 3D.
  6. Resolved issue where the update button in the Single Part Editor would allow an update to the vector even though a vector was not selected in the list box.
  7. Resolved issue where updating the polyline Z values in 2D from the Single Part Editor would not hold and apply to the token in the spreadsheet.
  8. Resolved issue where adding a hatch to a closed polyline using the Single Part Editor would drop the hatch when drawing back in 3D.
  9. Resolved issue where the sawing section in the Single Part Editor would not enable the "From Position" section of tools.
  10. Resolved issue where drawing a part in 2D, adding a vertex to an entity, and then updating the part would not acknowledge the change.
  11. Resolved an issue where moving the set mill on nest borders cause each corner to have a small vector in them, causing some machines to stop working.
  1. Modified the layer color for associative machining in Single Part Editor. The alternate color signifies that the machining is associative and cannot be edited.

Design & Drafting  

  1. Resolved issue causing item numbers to scale incorrectly.
  2. Resolved issue where using the Wall Offset prompt and redrawing the product after changing a subassembly prompt would redraw the product in the incorrect location.
  3. Resolved issue where hardware in a cross-section would not offset by the wall offset if used.
  4. Resolved issue where the Current Location could unexpectedly change to an incorrect location when the Product List was left open and new locations are added to the project.
  5. Resolved issue where placing product next to another product would crash Toolbox when used with a large workbook.  This was caused from trying to calculate the product code prompt for the previous product.
  6. Resolved issue with the Wall Offset prompt incorrectly doubling wall offset value. 
  7. Resolved issue where the first product drawn on a wall would not populate the database X, Y values correctly if the Wall Offset prompt was used.
  8. Resolved issue where redrawing walls and selecting the 2D plan view wall would create an error.
  9. Resolved issue occurring when drawing a section of a wall and picking a cutting plane. The issue prevented the cross-section from being drawn correctly when the products were at an angle other than 0.
  10. Resolved issue where drawing 2D plan view walls would not draw connected walls in the correct order.
  11. Resolved issue where starting the item numbers with a letter would cause the auto-incrementing of the numbers to break.
  12. Resolved issue where the sort item numbers function was not working correctly.
  13. Resolved issue where item numbers with just letters would stop the project from opening.
  1. The 2D cross-sections and the 2D plan view sections tokens now look to the wall offset prompt.


  1. Resolved issue where adding 2D hardware wouldn't add more than one new item.
  2. Resolved issue where deleting a category in the Machine Token Clipboard would remove the incorrect category.
  3. Resolved issue where updating a 2D part back to 3D while having a command active would cause Toolbox to crash.
  4. Resolved issue where using the Edit Part command would cause an unhandled exception to occur.
  5. Resolved issue where a user could produce an error by selecting commands in Product Viewer when no products where selected.
  6. Resolved an issue where the item numbers of products could become stuck at 1.00 and not increment up.
  7. Resolved issue where dynamic image parts list would not space the parts list text correctly with annotative text styles in metric. Also fixed up to space text better in imperial.

Library Data

  1. Added a new install file for Australia clients that will contain the latest AU library.

Reports & Labels

  1. Resolved issue where creating new nest sheets and parts in the drawing for a work order does not populate the optimization report directly.


  1. Resolved issue where material handling code would not show up in the Placed Sheets Table after saw optimization.  Also added handling code when creating a new sheet in 2d drawing.


  1. Added two new fields to spreadsheet tool files.  B79 is now MachinePartCutWidth and B80 is now MachinePartCutLength. These should be used in place of the others to determine the correct cut width and cut length.

Machine Tokens  

  1. Added new EDGEBAND token that can calculate edgebanding for non-original edges.
  2. Added a Reference Face parameter for HDrills.  This will be populated for the CAMLOCK and EDGEARRAY tokens to identify which associated face the edge hole came from. 
  1. Resolved issue that occurred when adding a lead-in or lead-out to a route. With this now populating correctly, the machine token options parameter will now be updated correctly, and the lead-in and lead-out segment will no longer display in 3D.
  2. Resolved issue where the BORE token would lose its formula and values for parameters 8 and 9 after drawing parts in 2D and updating the 3D model.
  3. Resolved issue with BORE token not updated or losing parameter data after updating in Single Part Editor.  When editing an array of holes with coming from the BORE token, it will treat any modification as a new hole.  You can no longer move the end or start hole.  It will just create a new hole.
  4. Resolved issue where copying a hole from an existing BORE token would create a copy of the machine token when updated from 2D to 3D. 
  5. Resolved issue where using the offset vertical drill parameter for the CAMLOCK token would always work correctly and move the hole in the wrong direction.
  6. Resolved an issue occurring when a part with a BORE token is drawn in 2D, and the associated face 5 or Face 6 holes do not get modified the token. Now the part will get updated back with the original formula values.
  7. Resolved an issue where using Stop Dado Gap values in the DADO token would not populate the machining correctly.
  1. Modified the tolerance that determines if a vertical drill hole falls off the panel.  Previously it was from the hole center plus the hole radius amount.  Note, we measure from the hole center plus 0.01. This will change the vertical drill hole for camlocks as well as other associative machining.


  1. There is a new button in the processing center that allows you to select a part in the interface and then use the "Clear Select Processing Stations" button to remove specific processing stations instead of all the processing stations assigned to the selected parts.  With the button selected, another window will be displayed, allowing to select processing stations.  Multiple selections are allowed.  All the processing stations selected will be removed from the selected parts.
  1. Resolved an issue where routes that ramped down the entire part where it started and stopped off the panel would not be trimmed correctly, potentially making a route that would cut into an adjacent part.
  2. Resolved an issue where some parts were being assigned to fields that they could not fit it.

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