Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.0526.641
The following release notes apply to Toolbox, Build 20.1.0526.641
Project Management
Added the ability in database explorer to drag and drop an entire library category and subassembly category folder from on disk into the database.
Resolved an issue where Database Explorer would open with values populated from Local instead of saved prompt values.
Resolved an issue where updating a spec group component file through Database Explorer would add a "1" to the end of the name.
Resolved an issue that was not allowing database materials to sync to the spreadsheet.
User Interface
Started work on making the OK button the default for better use of keyboard and hand combination.
Started work on adjusting the tab order of screens to have a better flow.
Resolved an issue where the tool strip would not hold a customized icon.
Resolved an issue that would prevent unified work orders from being migrated to SQL due to a false error about database size limits. This will only take effect on full version SQL.
Design & Drafting
Added the ability for the Adjust Wall Length command to work with products that have a value populated for the Wall Offset prompt.
Resolved an issue where the 2D elevation view of the wall and products would become out of sync after using the Adjust Wall Length feature.
Resolved issues with products not being drawn or redrawn correctly after using the Adjust Wall Length Feature. Also removed calls for redraw 2D elevation since it will now be done after the entire 3D wall and products are redrawn.
Resolved issue with the Adjust Wall Length command to ensure all 2D entity types update correctly after the wall has been changed.
Resolved an issue where the item numbers would not increment up correctly.
Resolved an issue with Place Products Along Polyline not creating a valid last product in the line segment.
Resolved UI conflicts in the part properties interface that would allow a previously selected text box to be changed from a different property. Also resolved an issue where typing in a prompts drawing token text box would not update the formula bar.
Resolved an issue where calculations made for subassemblies were incorrect in certain circumstances.
Added a
new part preview in the part properties interface to better display more information about the part and to get the correct rotations values to display correctly.
Resolved an issue where the first part of the list would inherit values from the selected part. Also added help text to the rotate part interface.
Resolved an issue where part properties would error out if the product contained subassemblies and nested subassemblies of the same name.
Resolved an issue where selecting a hardware item to open edit design data that is within a nested subassembly would not open the correct subassembly.
Resolved an issue where the Remove material from parts list would not work.
Resolved an issue where some parts could be assigned to a field that they would not fit in.
Resolved an issue where the MPR file sent to Cut Rite should not have a lead-in or lead out.
Resolved an issue where some single part programs could not be written.
Machine Tokens
Resolved an issue where using Stop Dado Gap values in the DADO token would not populate the machining correctly.
Added a new button to the Processing Center to clear selected stations from the select parts rather than clear everything.
Resolved an issue where creating a new sheet in the drawing will not pull the handling code into the database. It will now pull from the selected sheet in the nest tools interface.
Resolved an issue where the route trim function was not creating a clean route after trimming when the pocket grew to more than 2 paths.
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