Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.1119.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.1.1119.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.1.1119.641

Database Management

This build features significant development focused on improving the user experience with Toolbox's Database Management utility.  The following updates and defect resolutions are included in this release:

  1. Added the ability to select and check multiple items at once in the Database Management tree-view (Shift-click to select multiple items at once, then click one of the checkboxes to check/uncheck them all).

  2. Added the ability to change the name of the exported database.

  3. Because previous versions of Toolbox used the MicrovellumFactory file name exclusively, database files exported with custom names will not be available for import into older builds without first renaming them to "MicrovellumFactory.sdf".
  4. Added the ability to import databases that are not named MicrovellumFactory.
  5. Added a checkbox option that allows the overwriting of hardware machining tokens when importing hardware materials.
  1. Modified the default materials selection.  Previously, all the materials in the database were selected anytime a project was exported or imported.  Now if you are exporting a project, all the materials will automatically be selected (the user still has the option to remove the materials before export).  If you are importing a project, no materials will be selected by default (the user still has the option to add materials for import).
  2. Modified the default Specification Group selection.  Previously, Specification Groups were being imported/exported along with all products.  Now, they will only be transferred if a project or library is transferred.
  1. Resolved an issue where it was possible to import duplicate records if the name of a record had been modified in the Resolve Names UI.
  2. Resolved an issue where after importing a project as a new project in Database Management, the categories would not be renamed to the new project name.
  3. Resolved an issue where the Resolve Duplicate Names UI would appear behind the progress bar so it was not apparent that user interaction was required to continue processing.
  4. Resolved an issue causing a "Could not find directory" error when importing a material file that did not include hardware images.
  5. Resolved an issue where importing formula materials in Database Management would not display the formula-driven material alias.
  6. Resolved an issue where an empty project level category was created when exporting a library.
  7. Resolved an issue when an import or export process failed or was canceled but the user, the program displayed a message that the operation had been completed.

Replace Products

  1. We have added the ability to skip a prompt when using the Replace Product command.  If you don't want to use the original product's prompt value, you can set an optional control type on that product's prompts page via the Use Last Value column. Learn more about the Replace Products Prompt Override.

DXF Files

  1. Added a DXF Template for DXF files created during work order processing that includes the Dim Styles established in Options as well as a new viewport.  Learn more about DXF Template Configuration.
  1. Resolved an issue when processing a nest with a tool file set to output to .dxf, parts in the produced files had extremely thick borders.
  2. Resolved an issue that was causing a missing vector on single part CutRite MPR borders. 

Edit Design Data

  1. Resolved an issue where the list of Subassembly Variable names accessible from the Edit Formula interface was missing values.

IRIB (Include Routes in Borders)

  1. Resolved an issue where parts containing a lead-in that didn't penetrate the material to full depth failed to process with IRIB.
  2. Resolved an issue where the DXF writer was not working with some parts processed with IRIB.
  3. Resolved an issue where an error occurred with an incorrect angular tolerance on a very small arc created during IRIB processing. 

Machine Tokens

  1. Resolved an issue that was causing improper machining for Camlock hardware.


  1. Added a Report Group Export Settings interface to the Setup Report Groups UI that allows for the modification of printing options (e.g. image quality, resolution, compression method, etc.) for each Report Groups report type. 

  1. Resolved an issue where some reports were not being generated when the "output after WO batch" option was selected for Report Groups.
  2. Resolved an issue where Excel reports were not being generated for Report Groups.
  3. Resolved an issue where the markup was not populating correctly for formula-driven sheet materials on MV Costing Reports. 
  4. Resolved an issue where manually printing Report Groups always printed the last batch instead of the selected batch.
  1. Removed a prefilter that was referencing a column that is no longer in use in the PartProcessingStation table when the associated report was a batch report.

Specification Groups

  1. Resolved an issue where copying a spec group and using the find and replace feature for edgeband materials would create an extra invalid record in cutparts.

Tool File & G-code

  1. Modified functionality so that Face 5 barcodes are always produced unless it is a Nesting Processing Station. Those Processing Stations will only get Face 5 barcodes if they have associates.
  1. Resolved an issue where an underscore was appended to Face 6 file names after editing the part.
  2. Resolved an issue where an extra record was being added to Parts saved with an incorrect ID.
  3. Resolved an issue where parts in the Optimization Results table were being overwritten with non-existent data.
  4. Resolved a connection issue when working on SQL Server that resulted in an error locating part info.
  5. Resolved an issue where the material folder was dropping off when g-code was created from a P2P Processing Station.
  6. Resolved an issue where creating g-code from a composite drawing removed Face6Barcode column information and added extraneous information to other work order columns.
  7. Resolved an issue where Face5Filenames were being dropped when True Shape was on.
  8. Resolved an issue that was causing missing z values in vectors.

Workbook Designer

  1. Removed the obsolete "Export as Microvellum 6" menu item from Workbook Designer.

Work Orders

  1. Resolved an issue where the Work Order Name was not populating correctly using the Standardized Naming Convention.

3D Drawings

  1. Resolved an issue where hidden AutoCAD entities would be left in the drawing after redrawing a part with machining.

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