Toolbox Release Notes | Build 23.1.0706.641
The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox build 23.1.0706.641
Machine Cannot Offset Routing Fixes
A number of issues have been reported involving the MCOR setting and certain routes to fail while using the new offset algorithm:
Figure 1: MCOR vector drop machining error. | Figure 2: MCOR vector drop fix. |
- When running with MCOR, stay-down and tabs enabled, vectors would sometimes be dropped on machine points. This issue has been addressed and resolved.
- With MCOR and stay-down enabled, using the 901 tool as one's default router would fail to create certain border routes. Border routes should now be unaffected by this specific combination.
Figure 3: Machine points with arcs error. - MCOR and stay-down enabled with "Refine Offset Paths" would cause machining errors with certain machine
points that contained arcs.
Figure 4: Stay-down notch Destroy Offal error. | Figure 5: Stay-down notch Destroy Offal fixed. |
- Stay-down with notches equal in width to bit diameter would result in "Destroy Offal" failing.
- True Shape being enabled simultaneously with MCOR and IRIB would lead to poor optimization.
- Spreadsheet tool files previously functioned differently, but will now treat MCOR the same as IPP.
A prominent issue that has resulted in a number of smaller issues with Biesse IPP Tool files has been resolved:
Figure 6: Biesse IPP Z 0 error. | Figure 7: Biesse IPP Z 0 error fixed. |
- The last Z move of a pocket changed from a 0. This caused the bulge to be incorrectly positioned. If using incremental step tools, this change in Z value would sometimes cause the tool to penetrate the spoil board too much. This issue has been resolved.
Figure 8: Pockets ramping vectors error. - An issue wherein pockets would ramp vectors incorrectly, causing incorrectly machined parts has been resolved.
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