Toolbox Release Notes | Build 15.6.0709

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 15.6.0709

Check out our release notes to learn about the latest new features and enhancements we've made to your Microvellum experience.

The following release notes apply to Toolbox, Build 15.6.0709

Platform & Compatibility
  • Added compatibility for AutoCAD 2019.
  • The Toolbox 2019 upgrade is now available.
  • New Event Logging & User Activity Tracking


  • Fixed an issue where Material vendor links were being cleared.
  • Resolved an issue where the Project and Room Rename would allow illegal characters.
  • Added data catalog checks to prevent the same data catalog be selected for multiple connection types.
  • Resolved an issue with Import Library Items, it doesn't overwrite existing items.
  • Added a progress bar during Local DB creation and auto prompt to transfer data to new databases.
  • Added check for SQL Local installed when clicking on Local DB connection type.
  • Added the Application Settings Manager. A user can Copy, Edit, Erase, Export, or Import configurations from this interface. It is accessible from the Startup screen of the software.
  • Resolved some errors with the Library Import/Export utility.
  • Resolved an issue where closing the options page would set the current project to none.

Design & Drafting

  • Improved the Speed for 2D Product Submittal Drawings
  • Ability to draw plan view out separate like we can with an elevation of a wall. Under the 2D Drawings section, there is a command that will allow a user to draw the plan view of a wall. a user can select multiple walls to draw everything out at once. Any product edits or draws will automatically update the plan view. All 2D entities can be moved with AutoCAD move to reposition them like we can with the elevation.
  • Section Improvements - Ability to have multiple sections per product and have them all still linked to the 3D.
  • Section Improvements - All section settings are now saved within the section so when it is redrawn the section is redrawn with its correct settings.
  • Section Improvements - Ability to select a wall when creating a cross-section and section all products on that walls section plane.
  • Section Improvements - Resolved issue with sections and picking entity.
  • Added ability to support multiple plan sections, and elevation sections.
  • Ability to select a pline when sectioning from a wall for section plane.
  • When sectioning from a wall the wall will be included in the section.
  • When deleting a product from the project all 2D and dynamic images will be removed as well.
  • Ability to create a plan section from a wall and automatically generate a 2D plan section.
  • When redrawing a product or creating a section the visual style will be flipped to 2D wireframe and then flipped back.
  • Ability to assign a custom hatch pattern to a material for sections. The hatching menu now has a custom option that will allow a user to enter in a name of a hatch pattern that exists in the drawing.
  • Adjusted the Faceframe images that are shifted in the negative X direction
  • Resolved an issue where hatching would sometimes disappear.
  • Resolved an issue where when using the Annotative Text Style switches back to using F_Full.
  • Flat shot Improvement - Hardware. The flat shot token has an additional option for parameter 2. For the 5th parameter, a user can enter in a value of "1". This will display hardware in the flat shot image.
  • FlatShots will now display hardware items.
  • Did a lot of work to the flatshot tokens to increase the speed at which they are made.
  • If a user draws a dynamic image or face frame image and moves it with AutoCAD move. Once the product is modified and redraw the 2D information will stay in the last place moved.
  • Resolved an issue where updating multiple sections with dialog the default settings would not be set to the correct settings based on the current section.
  • The Annotative Scaling option can now be set per Configuration.
  • Additional fix for new custom hatching. If the hatch pattern is not found the additional entities created will be erased from the drawing.
  • Resolved an issue with a fatal error and drawing a 2D elevation wall with just an appliance on the wall.
  • Resolved a problem where the drawing viewports would resize when making a new viewport.
  • Resolved an issue where the common blocks would not come in at the correct scale.
  • Added the TRIM, SUBSTITUTE, MID, and REPT functions to the function editor.
  • Resolved an issue where 2D entities would not update when using the "Redraw Products from Database" option in the Product List.
  • Resolved an issue where it was possible that the program would hang for too long when syncing materials from the database to the spreadsheet.
  • Resolved an issue where the Common Text would not work.
  • Resolved an issue where redrawing a cross-section could produce an error.
  • Resolved an issue where drawing a cross-section would leave additional 2D entities in some cases.
  • Resolved an issue where when inserting a common block would not explode it correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where Microvellum Common Text would not be placed correctly in Paper Space.
  • Resolved issues where copying a drawing would either produce an error and hang the program or entities would not retain their annotative property.
  • Resolved an issue where annotative dimensions would crash when redrawing cross-sections.
  • Resolved an issue where the Plot Nests button would not work.
  • Resolved an issue where the cross-section settings were not hold setting after redrawing.
  • Resolved an issue where redrawing a wall that was arced would end up drawing the wall flat without the arc.
  • Additional fixes for copying a project with annotative information and the drawing hanging.
  • Resolved an issue with the Fill Wall with Products was not putting in the correct cabinet size.


  • Edit Multiple Prompts (Enhanced Release Note)
  • Edit Multiple Prompts (Video)
  • Added Functionality for Configuration Management
  • Ability to edit multiple products prompts within the drawing environment. A new command called Edit Multiple Product Prompts can be found in the Edit Products that will allow a user to select products in the drawing and edit prompts.
  • Redesigned the save subassembly interface to make it easier to understand how to save a subassembly back to the different save levels. Also made it easier to save the subassembly back to the library as a new subassembly. Now we have the ability to save it back to the project as a new subassembly as well.
  • Fixed save subassembly warning message when only saving to the template level.
  • Resolved an issue with the product checklist returning data source error messages.
  • Resolved an issue where copying a product in a drawing that contained a large number of AutoCAD groups would seem to freeze up in the process.
  • Resolved an issue with saving unique subassemblies with a product group and it not bringing in those unique subassemblies when adding the product group.
  • Resolved an issue with the "Edit Part" command and it not populated information in the text boxes from a nested subassembly part.
  • Resolved an issue with spec groups not being sorted, they are now sorted alphabetically.
  • When drawing a part in 2D and the part drawing is already open. All the entities will be erased and redrawn from the spreadsheet to ensure that any changes made outside the single part editor are not lost.
  • Corrected an issue with copy room failing to update the part ID's in the product workbook.
  • Resolved an issue with the Custom UCS Resetting with the Move Parts command.
  • Improved an area of code using background workers. This appeared to be the cause of a product being overridden by other products when adding products to a wall.
  • Resolved an issue where Room Components would not initialize on program startup.
  • Resolved an issue where the system prompt "PRODUCTQUANTITY" would not update the actual product quantity.
  • Added the Height Above Floor prompt to the Edit multiple products prompts interface when a product has the prompt.
  • Resolved an issue where showing another subassembly in Edit Design Data without closing the subassembly would just switch to the new sub without asking to save.
  • Resolved an issue where the part properties interface would not be repopulated with subassembly information after using the save and redraw command twice.
  • Resolved an issue where using Adjust Wall Length would not update the separate plan view.
  • Resolved issue where the picture files in the Global Images folder would not be displayed when trying to change the global image.
  • Resolved an issue with the user Defined Project Level Properties duplicating every time the interface opens.
  • Now the template Location Properties are automatically added when a user creates a new room
  • Resolved an error where the software would have to be restarted to for a saved product to show up after saving it to the library.
  • Resolved an issue where Delete a Room Category and would cause the rooms to disappear.
  • Resolved an issue where adding Product when having "Edit Design Data" open cause Microvellum to Freeze, even get Fatal Error at some point.
  • Resolved an issue where Importing a Spec Group from another project that contains sheet stock materials would not import all sheets of the material into the new project.
  • Resolved an issue where renaming a project would default to room text. The default text will now be the selected name of the object that is being renamed.
  • Edit Multiple Product Prompts - New Features - Ability to edit specification groups. Added ability to access the prompts of the selected product.
  • The Prompt Calculator Interface doesn't automatically check the boxes that are going to calc equally
  • Made the library tree view easier to read with larger text along with making it longer so a user can see more categories.
  • Resolved many issues with the Item numbers.
  • Resolved an issue where product list and product viewer would not display width, height, and depth correctly if changed from the wizard. Manual refresh is required if products are already listed in the interface.
  • Fixed menu item texts for User-Defined Location Properties.
  • Adjusted the Single Parts Editor to ensure that parts are loaded and unloaded correctly.
  • Resolved an issue with getting an error when closing down the program on the product groups tab.
  • Resolved an issue where the Change Materials interface and the 2D nest tools material selection would allow a user to drag and drop materials and categories. Now when in the tree view in a material interface, a user cannot drag and drop one material to another, they must now be moved using the right-click menu item.
  • Resolved an issue with the category folders opening all the categories when using the search box. Clicking in the search box will now close all open folders and save them as closed as well.
  • Rebuild Subassemblies from Library Sorted alphabetically now.
  • Resolved an issue with the Find and Replace, Change Default Value for Checkbox Filters.
  • Adjusted the Tab Through Layer properties, they are now in a logical order.
  • Resolved an Issue with Custom Calculator when more than two.
  • Resolved an issue with edit multiple materials help text flashing.
  • Resolved an issue where item numbers would be incorrect in the WMF nest image after updating the g-code from the drawing.
  • Resolved an issue with the Calculator 4th Parameter Program resizing those checked as Equal only.
  • Resolved an issue with the Product Groups screen format incorrectly displaying the scroll bar.
  • Edge to Edge machining now supports edge to edge drilling even if parts are not the same thickness.
  • Resolved an issue where the Subassembly Calculators would not open.
  • Resolved an issue where if there were Item Numbers with characters only, the project would not open.
  • When replacing spec group files in database explorer, an additional explanation was added in a message box to make it easier to understand what will happen.
  • Resolved an issue where importing materials from a spreadsheet would not correctly create the sheet size and assign it to the material.
  • Resolved an issue where if you deleted a material from the database through the interface it would not delete the associated sheet sizes.
  • Resolved an issue where pocket routes that are created from the PLINE option would produce an error when updating them from 2D to 3D.
  • Resolved an issue where the Save Product to Library Selection Box was not correct in certain instances.
  • Resolved some performance issues with workbooks with lots of parts when using the PARTQUANTITY custom function. Also when closing the workbook and checking for duplicate filenames.
  • Resolved an issue where the product groups won't draw unless there's a product already in the drawing.
  • Resolved issue where a subassembly would not be found because the name is case sensitive names. Naming is no longer case sensitive.
  • Part Properties interface will now remember the size and position when closed.
    Resolved an issue when trying to access the workbook buffer before it had been saved to memory from the grid.
  • Resolved an issue where material changes made were not syncing to material workbooks.
  • Resolved an issue where the product groups item numbers were always 1.00
  • Resolved an issue where the top folder in the library could not be accessed in certain circumstances.
  • Resolved an issue where the radius of certain arcs would not be consistent.
  • Resolved an issue where the product list would load slowly for large projects.
  • Resolved an issue where the Associative Hardware Array token would generate an Object Reference Error.
  • Resolved an issue where the Ramp Associative Dado with certain Machine Points would create bad routes.
  • Resolved an issue where the Dynamic product images part list was starting at 0.
  • Resolved an issue where certain drill locations were off by the thickness of the edgebanding.
  • Resolved an issue where when a prompt was used in a calculator but also was hidden on reports would cause the calculator it was part of to produce incorrect calculations.
  • Resolved an issue where the Arc would not be correct when there was a notch in the arc.
  • Resolved an issue where the virtual routes would not nest correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where using Find and Replace for material names would replace the database name instead of project-level name.


  • Flatshot Token Enhancements (General)
  • Flatshot Token Enhancements (Hardware Display)
  • Made Additional fixes for DRAWMIRRORXDIM
  • Resolved an issue where a value of 2 in Parameter 2 for the dado token would not center a lock dado.
  • Resolved an issue where using a Shelf Standard machine token with a shelf clip gap of exactly 1, it would only draw the machining operation and not use it for machine code.
  • Additional fix for DRAW Only machine token parameters when a route is added.
  • Resolved an issue where the CUTOUT token and ROUTEDHOLE token would lose the pocket and sequence information is drawn in 2D and then updated back to 3D.
  • Made the HATCH drawing token work with all closed shape drawing tokens.
  • Allowed ability to have a negative value for SHELF machine token parameter 5 (Second Row Dimension)
  • Resolved a warning message for a 3-sided cutout and using a value of 0 for start x and start y.
  • Resolved an issue where the drawer slides holes would not show up in specific instances when associating with multiple parts.
  • Resolved an issue with the Hardware not machining when quantity is set to a decimal value.
  • Resolved an issue where cam tokens would turn on even though the edge was not touching the face of another part only a shared edge.
  • The rotate part interface now allows you to use a value of 180 or -180 as the minimum and maximum values instead of 179 and -179.
  • Resolved an issue where the 3 sided notch machine token would not allow a non-integer value for parameter 1.


  • Added New Processing Center UI
  • Reworked the Processing center interface. It now has a new grid where a user can sort fields into a better grid. It also allows the user to save the grid settings. Help Videos to come.
  • Resolved an issue where the auto-assign Rules were not applying correctly all the time.
  • Resolved an issue with orphaned work order names causing duplicate work order entries in the factory database.
  • Resolved an issue where inputting existing batch name causes Make Existing Gcode produce invalid results.
  • Resolved an issue where Batch Name dialog sometimes opened in the background, causing the program to appear like it was frozen.
  • Resolved an issue where the canceling batch name would continue creating the new gcode file.
  • Resolved an issue with the Hardware Handling Code not populating work order database.
  • Added functionality to print individual labels and sheets as well as part stacks and sheet stacks.
  • Resolved an issue where the Processing Center would take a long time to load.
  • Corrected issue with Unified Work Order Database using Factory Database authentication information.
  • Resolved an issue with updating the work order database during startup if the user is not in the Unified Work Order database.
  • Correct data catalogs check for instances when work order and factory connections live on separate servers.
  • Made minor speed improvements to loading the work order selection UI.
  • Resolved an issue with Work Order and Geometry database info not being removed when deleting an existing work order and using the Unified Work Order database.
  • Resolved an issue with Export Work Order Functionality prompting to overwrite data where no data existed.
  • Resolved an issue where using the Map Parts in the Processing Center would cause the software to crash.
  • Unified Work Order Database - Transfer SQLCE to SQL will create blank tables if no existing work order data is present.
  • Resolved an issue with Edgebanding information not loading while using the Unified Work Order framework.
  • Resolved an issue where a reference to the S workbook in a hardware machining token would not populate correctly when creating a work order.
  • Resolved an issue with mapped parts not being assigned processing stations.
  • Resolved an issue where a reference error would occur when creating a new nesting optimizer processing station.
  • Resolved an issue with Object Reference Error when Processing Doors with Perfect Graining using PTX saw output type with Perfect Grain Containers.
  • Resolved issue with removing WMF files after converting the image to the processing station selected image type.
  • Resolved an issue with processing center part loading setting not holding when setting to Manual Load Parts.
  • ‘Apply Selected Station rules to all parts’ is now ‘Apply selected station rules to Selected parts’.
  • Resolved an issue with Batch file naming when updating from drawing.
  • Resolved an issue with scrollbars displaying incorrectly in Patterns screen.
  • Resolved incorrect text placement on nest WMF due to incorrect Flip Y of WMF for make text methods.
  • Resolved an issue where the plot nested view command would generate a bad view for users with large monitors.
  • Resolved an issue with the parts already printed in the saw layout not retaining the color change.
  • Updated Cutrite ASCII to populate PARTS_UDI with up to INFO60 per Cutrite V10 interface guide for the Pattern Exchange file V1.14.
  • Resolved an issue where Associate Parts to Processing Stations doesn't show Nested Subassembly Parts.
  • Resolved issues causing the Event log to create too many records.
  • Resolved an issue with Invalid ORD2 Record for Enhanced CPOUT.
  • Resolved issues with invalid Edge-banding information for Enhanced CPOUT.
  • File Writer encoding changes to accommodate Onsrud file output.
  • Resolved an issue where drilling would get dropped in specific instances with drilling and dado being used.
  • Resolved several issues with grid view settings not applying correctly in the Processing Center.
  • Added new property for ZPL print width.
  • Resolved issues causing the Transfer Work Order to SQL feature not working when a source is typed into the combo box instead of selected from the drop-down menu.
  • IPP Settings not retaining selection, Z reference values not holding selection.
  • Resolve an issue with Object reference errors using Info Fields and PRT records for perfect grain containers.
  • Resolved an issue where Force Grain Direction would not work in certain instances.
  • Added new work order creation option that will create WMF images for all parts not just ones with edgebanding or machining.
  • Resolved an issue where Sub Folder options not working with Xilog/Mix Binary conversion type.
  • Resolved an issue where convert to metric was converting the material thickness twice on update or make new g-code.
  • Biesse MNO file missing machining after the update or new from drawing.
  • Resolved an issue where the Biesse Dat files have the incorrect encoding - making them unreadable.
  • Resolved an issue where Missing Work Orders in folder creates an error in the event logging interface.
  • Resolved an issue where the Face6 file names where being created when they were not needed.
  • Resolved an issue where the Update Gcode on Face 6 parts Double Converting Material Thickness Face 6 Parts.
  • Resolved an issue with invalid cut patterns in the CPOUT. Rounding of the grain containers too early in the optimization process resulted in grain container lengths shorter than the last cut of the grain containers location and caused the cut to be removed from the containers collection. This resulted in saw connections having incorrect Saw Cut collections when creating the output file. For Cutrite this resulted in Ord Records with no cuts that dropped the part and produced an error.
  • Resolved an issue where the data could not be transferred to the Unified Work Order.
  • Resolved an issue with setting storage location in the tool file spreadsheet, added new tags for this option.
  • Resolved an issue where the Event Log was not Showing All the Details on the Event Info Screen.
  • Resolved an issue where the panel width and panel length was rotating when updating from a parts.dwg file.
  • Resolved an issue where the Face 6 WMF stream was not getting created.
  • Resolved an issue where the Tool name would get dropped from the dado token causing an error.
  • Resolved an issue where Ardis Stacks were not being listed correctly in the cutting pattern correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where Face Machining was appearing in horizontal boring code.
  • Resolved an issue where Update G-Code on new sheets was always asking for a batch name.
  • Resolved an issue where the Panel Thickness was not coming through when placing additional sheets.


  • New Nest Tabbing Capabilities
  • Resolved an issue where move or copying part in the nest doesn't recognize the trim value of the material.
  • Resolved an issue where True Shape was not nesting them correctly.

Solid Modeling

  • Adjusted the Solid Model analyzer where it would fail to route a complete circle in certain instances.
  • Added a new command in EPB, Move Vertical Entity with Base Point
  • Added the ability to cancel the analyzation process when using SMA.
  • Adjusted the SMT Corner negotiation distance from the corner where the wall is shorter than settings.
  • Adjusted SMT for double-stud at joint.
  • Adjusted SMT for construction path changes.
  • Resolved an issue with EPB not making some dado’s correct.
  • Resolved some issues with the Smart Layer Manager not allowing the copy layer.
  • Added the ability to Restore multiple products in SMT.
  • Resolved an issue where circles would not be analyzed correctly in SMA
  • Resolved an issue wherein EPB, the section highlighting would break.
  • Resolved an error with Studs at Joint in connection with Corner Negotiation.
  • In SMT, all commands are now repeatable until the user ESC out of the command.
  • New SMT button, Stretch without Lock.
  • Resolved an issue where SMA would run slower on metric items.
  • Resolved an issue with SMA having trouble analyzing fine arches.
  • Added the Option for Miters in 3D Drawing Only.
  • Resolved an issue where some SMA Cutouts turning would turn into circles.
  • Resolved an issue where certain arcs would not be correct SMA arcs not correct in 2D
  • Add the ability to unhide parts by selecting the construction path.
  • Improved handling if a construction path is being deleted
  • When removing a part from the product tree, it will give a user the option to place the corresponding 2d on 0 layers.
  • Enhanced the restoring of multiple products intuitiveness.
  • In Smart Layer Manager – can now remove layers.
  • Resolved issue in EPB, insert joint turns off selected snaps
  • Resolved an issue where a 3D Modeling Error Occurs on Framed Drawer Fronts of certain sizes.
  • Added the ability to set a picture to the items in the product groups.
  • Resolved an issue where an SMA product has multiple vertices in an arch when include routes in borders is on.
  • Resolved an issue where SMA was not analyzing some circles correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where SMA was calculating some arcs incorrectly.

Machining & G-code

  • OMAL XML file Operation ID needed to be a GUID instead of a LinkID
  • Resolved an issue where the double pass full depth route was happening at the wrong time.
  • Resolved an issue with the new pocket dado geometry. Angled dados are now resolved and fixed error when ramp associative dado was turned on.
  • Resolved an issue where drill operation would not apply the correct machining hole on the associated part.
  • Resolved an issue where applying to machine would turn a square into a triangle using LINE but POLYLINE works.
  • Resolved an issue where the Rough Offset Posting Incorrect Values to tool file for Face 6 Route
  • Resolved an issue where parts added through 2D machining tools were not found when updating and making new g-code with Stay-down and Centerline Nests
  • Enabled PTX setting "UseExpandedInfo" to allow for grain direction translation to either 0, 1, or 2.
  • Resolved an issue with lock dodo not working correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where Biesse Elix Dat file program names - missing DAT file for parts with only 1 edge bore PGM.
  • Resolved an issue where the Feed Speed information stored in the Associate Hardware PLINE token would not be used in G-code. The information would be missing completely from the vectors.
  • Resolved an issue with Double Pass All Parts Update - New Gcode Stay-down incorrect
  • Resolved an issue where updating Gcode would not Add Face 6 Routes
  • Resolved an issue where the Circle Route was not prompting for inside or outside.
  • Resolved an issue with the 2D Part Editor where the Face 6 Square pocket was dropping the tool number off, causing an error when updating.
  • Adjusted the 2D Part editor where the Square Cutouts and Square Pockets would not let the direction be set.
  • Resolve an issue with Item numbers resetting when updating or making new g-code from drawing.
  • Resolved an issue where the G-Code from drawing on parts with H-Bores, the code would be incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue when moving nested parts with arcs in the part border where machining would not be included if machining fell inside of the area of the arc.
  • Now when updating or Making new Gcode for nested parts, Face 5 and Face 6 gcode from drawing - machine point is now maintained.
  • Resolved an issue where the software would not create code when a leader is in the composite DWG.
  • Resolved an issue where updating GCode From Drawing (single part) would ask for file name instead of updating original.
  • Resolved an issue where the tabbing would not work on a Biesse CIX IPP writer.
  • Resolved an issue with Centerline Nest failing with Horizontal Perfect Grain.
  • Resolved an issue where a Nested Arc Bulge would be slightly off in certain instances.
  • Addition of Binary Drill setting, IMA Schelling material handling CSV, optional encoding of labeling CSV files
  • Resolved an issue where the Machine Cannot Offset Routing, Pocket geometry toolpath was incorrect at a certain size.
  • Resolved an issue where with Machine Cannot Offset Routing enabled, the pocket geometry toolpath was incorrect at a certain size.
  • Resolved an issue where the Machining would have an incorrect placement with Premill and border route PTP.
  • Resolved an issue where Barcodes were missing for HBore Per Edge Base.
  • Resolved an issue with the Radius not being accurate in some instances.
  • Resolved an issue with make new or update g-code from a created Panel not working if a route exists that is not associated to a part.
  • Resolved an issue with some missing vectors in Biesse Code when remaking GCode.
  • Added Machine Base for Biesse Brema Eko.
  • Resolved an issue with the Biesse Tabbing missing a vector in tab cleanout.
  • IPP Settings not retaining selection, Z reference values not holding selection.
  • Resolved an issue where Make New g-code from Drawing and Make New g-code from Batch Drawings would only create 1 file.
  • Resolved an issue where Biesse CIX Tabs were not working.
  • Resolved an issue where the Xilog missing feed speed & MIX files contain enumerated PGM file name.
  • Resolved an issue where the Single Part G-Code was not populating the item number correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where the WMF would grow in size after updating the G-Code.
  • Resolved an issue with the Elix tool file to looking to the file paths correctly.

2D Machining Tools

  • Resolved an error where the 2D Machining Tools and having Multiple Sheets would error out when trying to place more parts.
  • Resolved an issue with part sizes displaying invalid information in the Nest Patterns screen for parts added through 2D machining tools.
  • Resolved an issue with 2D part editor failing to update parts when a product contains more than 99 parts.
  • Resolved an issue where Changing Custom Part Border Setmill Distorts Arc bulge.
  • Resolved an issue where the 2D Machining Tools would replace Part Border with the internal route when updating it.
  • Modified the 2D Machining Tools Window grows every time it is exited and reopened.
  • Resolved an issue with the SQLCE work order being created from the 2D Machining tools even when on UWO databases.

Data Management

  • New Unified Work Order Database 
  • Resolved an issue with Library Designer - Find and Replace - Clear Text Buttons for Find and Replace Text Boxes
  • Resolved an issue with Library Designer - Cannot Delete Last Machine (Activity) Token
  • Resolved an issue with Library Designer - Missing Part Name Aliases
  • Resolved an issue with Library Designer - Missing Part Name Aliases - Changed Switch to For Each Loop.
  • Resolved an issue with copy Part Library Designer not working correctly.
  • Resolved an issue with the Library Designer - Prompt Parameter Named "Visible" and should be "Hide Prompt" to match the column heading in Edit Design Data Spreadsheet
  • Resolved the issues that caused the XLS import to import a product with a 0 width, height, and/or depth.


  • Added the option to display all report categories within Toolbox. This is off by default.
  • Resolved an issue where products with a QTY greater than 1 would not show the part index correctly on the Cutting Pattern. The index now matches the Composite and Reports.
  • Resolved an issue with saw cut lines not displaying in the Saw Labels UI.

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      This document will catalog all releases for Microvellum Toolbox software builds that were released in the year 2024. This encompasses builds 24.1.0104.641 to 24.1.1206.641. Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1206.641 The following release notes apply ...
    • Toolbox Release Notes | Build 25.1.0129.641

      The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 25.1.0129.641. SMA Fixes A wide variety of issues with the Solid Model Analyzer have been resolved. Multiple modifications to existing interfaces or settings have been made to improve precision and ...
    • Microvellum Foundation Library Release Notes | Build 25.0124

      The following release notes apply to Microvellum Foundation Library build 25.0124. Additions Added Century Components Waste Bins, Vanity Organizers, and Base Cabinet Organizers. 11”, 14”, 17” Signature Series Bottom Mount 34qt & 50qt. 4”, 5”, 6”, 9”, ...