Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.0811.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 20.1.0811.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox, Build 20.1.0811.641  

Design & Drafting

  1. Added new command monitoring features to prevent crashing issues when hitting the escape key to exit AutoCAD drawing commands.
  1. Resolved an issue where an appliance on a wall would not allow the wall to be drawn correctly using the 2D Plan View command.
  2. Resolved an issue where the command Redraw 2D Plan of Wall would not redraw the plan view in the correct location.
  3. Resolved an issue with the Move Wall & Associated Products command, where corner cabinets would move twice the expected distance.
  4. Resolved an issue where placing a corner product on two walls would not update the elevation and plan views correctly.
  5. Resolved an issue where the upper corner cabinets with a Wall Offset greater than 0 would be offset double the amount expected after a redraw.
  6. Resolved an issue causing products to be drawn in space (away from the original location where the product was drawn) when redrawing corner cabinets where a 2D plan view was drawn without the product’s main wall drawn in 2D.
  7. Resolved an issue where using the Bump Product command would not move the 2D plan view of the product as well.
  8. Resolved an issue where the 2D section for certain products was not being created.
  9. Resolved an issue where using the MVMOVE command to move upper cabinets in the Z-Axis could cause a fatal error.
  10. Resolved an issue where drawing a 2D elevation or plan view would not draw corner cabinets correctly if they used the wall offset prompt. 
  11. Resolved an issue where 2D product elevation and plan views would not be added to existing views.
  12. Resolved an issue where the plan view of a product would not draw in 2D if only the secondary wall were drawn.
  13. Resolved an issue where the plan view drawing would move after redrawing.
  14. Resolved an issue where a corner product would not populate in a 2D plan view if the 2D plan view was already drawn.
  15. Resolved an issue where the elevation view would not draw correctly on an already drawn 2D elevation wall with an offset on the product.
  16. Resolved issue where placing corner products with a wall offset value, where the 2D elevation view was already drawn, and the wall selection was made by picking the two walls independently, instead of using a window selection, would draw the 2D elevation view correctly.
  17. Resolved an issue where selecting Delete Products from the Toolbox Product List interface was not deleting all of the 2D AutoCAD entities.
  18. Resolved an Object Reference Error that occurred when attempting to delete a product from the Product List interface if the product was not found in the drawing.
  19. Resolved an issue where bumping a product to a wall would not update the 2D plan or 2D elevation view.
  20. Resolved an issue where a cross-section would not be redrawn correctly after it was modified if a line had been selected as the cutting plane.
  21. Resolved an issue preventing the elevation views for products from updating after a change is made, and it is redrawn.
  22. Resolved an issue where 2D section entities for uppers could be drawn above the 0 Z plane.
  23. Resolved an issue where the room component on the wall with 2D plan view drawn, would not update correctly after using Adjust Wall Length.
  24. Resolved an issue where a corner product on the secondary wall was not rotating correctly.
  25. Resolved an issue where only one upper product would be added to a plan section, even when multiple uppers are on the wall.
  26. Resolved an issue where the text style would switch to F_Full when using DRAW2D tokens instead of Annotative.
  1. Modified the way Toolbox handles materials with custom hatch patterns. Now, when a custom hatch pattern is used for a material, the scale is set from the HPSCALE AutoCAD setting instead of defaulting to a value of 1.

2D Machining

  1. Resolved an issue where updating from Single Part Editor would overwrite the width and length values even if they were the same as in the spreadsheet. 
  2. Resolved an issue that prevented a work order from being added to the list of work orders when it was created from the 2D Nesting Tools interface while on a Unified Work Order Database.
  3. Resolved an issue that prevented a new sheet from being added from the 2D Nesting Tools interface while on a Unified Work Order Database.


  1. Resolved an issue where using the Product Start Angle in the Solid Modeling Tools/Extruded Products would produce an error. 
  2. Resolved issue where Height Above Floor Prompt would not update after copying an upper product in the Z plane.
  3. Resolved a 3D Rep issue with dados that resulted when a very large decimal value was used in part sizes.
  4. Resolved an issue where certain hardware items would leave extra geometry when drawing a cabinet in 3D.
  5. Resolved an issue where Small Parts have a ramp lead in offset when none is selected, increasing the distance between parts setting.
  1. Modified the Cartesian point for creating a cutting plane to be the same Z value to get the correct distance.

Machine Tokens

  1. Resolved an issue preventing the handling code and total quantity from being written to the work order when using the Hardware Array Machine token to place hardware.


  1. Resolved an issue where parts that were Perfect Grained did not produce a part image when it was used with the Microvellum Sawing Optimizer.
  2. Resolved an issue where the image quality, when used in a report group, was not clear.
  3. Resolved an issue where having scrap enabled and using Associates and trying to update G-Code in a nest could produce an error.
  4. Resolved an issue where the Ardis processing station could only produce a WMF file type. Now, all image types are available when using an Ardis processing station. 
  5. Resolved an issue where specific cabinets would freeze Toolbox when drawing.
  6. Resolved an issue where changing the Scrap Material Name AFTER making new G-code would change the ID in the database.
  7. Resolved an issue where some horizontal boring machines were not deducting the edgeband amount correctly.

Data Management

  1. Resolved an issue that was preventing the Import STEP and other file types from appearing in Toolbox 2019 updates.  

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