Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1010.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1010.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1010.641

Biesse Winstore Fix

Several issues with the Biesse Winstore plugin have been resolved:
  1. There was an issue that would sometimes occur wherein materials that were intended to stack wound not stack correctly in the generated code. 
  1. There was an issue that would occur when closing using the Windows taskbar, which would cause an error. 
  1. The plugin would sometimes have an issue wherein the Index would be out of range if there were no set material storage locations entered. 
  1. An issue would sometimes occur wherein clicking the “Setting” button would result in the scrap in the “Scrap Committed to Inventory” being cleared out.
  1. Users reported an occasional issue that would occur within Scrap Management, noting that decimal places and values would sometimes be inconsistent before and after opening the settings. 


  1. An issue with Point-to-Point machining files has been reported by users: when creating files with PTP, then updating/creating new G-code in the file, the data within the file and the data within the database would, in some cases (namely, when working with parts of multiple quantities), mismatch. This issue has been resolved- the information in the database the output of the parts. 

MVServer Work Order Fix

Fig. 1: A work order freezing when set to process remotely.
  1. There was an issue some users encountered when using Microvellum Server configuration, occurring when they put together work orders remotely. When attempting to set a work order to process remotely, the work order would sometimes freeze before ever reaching the processing station, resulting in the system needing to be restarted to continue. This issue has been resolved- work orders should no longer freeze when activated remotely.

UI Fixes

Multiple fixes have been made to small issues that existed within Microvellum’s UI:
Fig. 2: "Subassembly Entries" misspelled.
  1. There was an issue in the UI of Library Designer, wherein the Subassembly Entries option on the “Find and Replace” option was misspelled as “Subassy Entries”.
Fig. 3: The non-clickable article link in the UI.
  1. In the Workbook Designer page, when clicking the “About Microvellum Workbook Designer” under the ‘Help’ menu, the resultant pop-up with a link to the appropriate Microvellum Knowledge Network article would not function correctly. Users are intended to be capable of clicking the link to open the web page, but the link would not open when clicked.
Fig. 4: Duplicate report groups created after clicking "Cancel".
  1. When duplicating the name of an existent report group in the Setup Report Groups UI, users are intended to receive a pop-up alert informing them that there is already a report group with the name. Users discovered an issue when cancelling to dismiss this pop-up, wherein a second report group of the same name would be created regardless. 

Cutrite Fix

  1. An option has been created in the process of resolving an issue within Cutrite Processing Stations, wherein Cutrite files didn’t have an option available to replace the board name with the board’s handling code. Users will now have this option to replace a board's name with its handling code. 

Staydown Path Fixes

There were a few issues with Staydown nesting paths, wherein paths would have vectors applying incorrectly:
Fig. 5: A vector (incorrectly) placed at an intersection.
  1. Sometimes, vectors would be placed at every intersecting element in a drawing, even if the line direction was the same. 
Fig. 6: A dado having its edge flattened.
  1. When staydown was applied to products with parts or components that utilized arcs in their shape (such as using dados as connectors), the parts would sometimes not arc correctly, due to the arc value being too small relative to the tool size and distance between parts, which would result in the arced part not having its full radius on the edge, instead being flattened at the edge.
Fig. 7: Parts misshapen due to their vectors incorrectly dropped.
  1. When staydown nesting was applied to products and parts with arches in them, there was sometimes an issue wherein the stay down path would drop vectors, resulting in incorrectly shaped paths. 
  1. All these issues have been resolved- staydown paths should no longer have issues with adding or dropping vectors or converting arcs into flat edges but should all function as intended with the correct path shape and vectors applied.

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