Toolbox Release Notes: Year of 2022

Toolbox Release Notes: Year of 2022

This document will catalog all releases for Microvellum Toolbox software builds that were released in the year 2022. This encompasses builds 21.2.0111.641 to 22.1.1219.641.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1219.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1219.641

Library Designer 


  1. Formatting within workbook cells will now move with the cell after using Library Designer.  
  2. The 'find and replace' feature now correctly recognizes formulas in the Prompt Value column.




  1. An infinite loop was fixed that occurred when attempting to enter a configuration with no path to Microvellum data.
  2. An issue was fixed that caused users to enter the wrong SQL configuration if the path was invalid.


Ardis Saw 


  1. We have fixed an issue with stacked sheets that caused the incorrect number of labels to be output.


Tool File 


  1. DXF files created from tool files are now smooth and no longer jagged, due to an update to the resolution setting from 100 to 1000.
  2. An issue with certain posts that caused an extra folder in the G-code path has been resolved.
  3. Spreadsheet tool files no longer write face 6 info to the Parts table in the Work Order Database.  




  1. We have fixed an issue with unique subassemblies saved at the library level appearing as duplicates in the Show Subassembly List (in Edit Design Data). This issue was caused by the subassembly list displaying subassemblies with and without parent products. We have now implemented a check to only display subassemblies without a parent product in the list.


Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1209.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1209.641.

Machine Tokens


  1. Resolved an issue that was preventing multiple changes to existing vertical drilling.
  2. Resolved an issue that caused certain machine points to have the wrong tool compensation in certain situations.
  3. Resolved an issue with the PLINE token that was causing incorrect hatching. 


Nest Editing and 2D Machining Tools


  1. Resolved an issue that prevented the Route Editing Tools from adding different Z values.
  2. Resolved an issue that caused Update Existing G-Code to sometimes prompt a new batch instead.




  1. Resolved an issue that caused the subassembly calculator to be incorrect when large decimal values were present.
  2.  Resolved an issue that prevented unique subassembly changes from sticking when multiple quantities were drawn.
  3. Resolved an issue that caused the subassembly calculator to sometimes trigger an incorrect save when saving to the project level.



  1. Moved the “Use Scrap from Inventory” setting in the Saw to be in the same spot as it is in the Nest settings.
  2. Added a color key within the Print Patterns.

 Nest Scrap


  1.  Resolved an issue that caused the centerline nest to overlap on scrap sheets with certain bit sizes.
  2. The issue that prevented scrap from being used if the width or length was changed has been resolved.


Global File


  1. The issue that prevented global combo box help images from being displayed has been resolved.
  2. The issue that prevented categories in the Global Files UI from being deleted has also been resolved.
  3. The refresh issue when working with global variables has been resolved, making the process smoother overall.


Room Properties


  1. The issue that caused Room Properties to save after closing, even if no changes were made, has been resolved.
  2. The issue that prevented users from clearing variables has also been resolved.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1207.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1207.641

Work Orders


  1. Resolved an issue that prevented the Modify Work Order in ERP from changing the sheet information for a material.
  2. Resolved an issue that caused Part Names to be sorted incorrectly in the Processing Center.


Product Label


  1. Resolved an issue that caused ERP to error when you attempted to view a product label.


Product Comment


  1. Resolved an issue with product comments coming from the ProductComments prompt. The comments will now be in the Product Viewer and Product List, like normal.


XML Import


  1. Resolved an issue that prevented unique subassemblies from being brought over with the product after importing.


Machine Token


  1. Resolved an issue that caused incorrect Z values in dados when Ramp Associative Dado is enabled, and the lead-in are negative.
  2. Resolved an issue that prevented the 3D representation from working with the new Peanut Fastener hardware.


  1. Added the ability to support Z depth changes along polylines coming from hardware. The new ability can be reviewed in the Hardware Machine Tokens article in the Knowledge Base. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1123.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1123.641

Library Update Utility


  1.          Resolved an intermittent problem where products/subassemblies within projects were sometimes being updated instead of the template products/subassemblies. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1105.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1105.641


Resolved an issue with auto-labels not incrementing correctly when parts had multiple quantities.  

Nest Editing Tools  

Resolved an issue that prevented a user from adding parts to a composite nest drawing.  


Resolved an issue that caused saving materials to take an abnormally long time.  

Product Prompts 

Resolved an issue that stopped the product prompt help images from appearing.  
Resolved a couple of issues around “Use Previous Product Comments”. This check box in product prompts will now function correctly.   

WMF Image 

Modified WMF images on part reports to appear more clearly, especially with small parts.  

Tool File 

Resolved an issue when replacing face 6 machining on multiple quantities of the same part.  
Resolved an issue where the worklist file path was being incorrectly generated causing the .dat files to not be saved when "Shorten GCode Output Path" was selected.  
Resolved a few minor UI issues related to wording and grammar.  
Modified the <RL> custom string tag and added “wild card syntax” functionality. See more information regarding the new custom string in the Overview: Integrated Post Processor Tool Files (IPP) article.
Modified the “Export as TLFX” feature to check and prompt to overwrite. It will also notify the user when the export has been completed.  

Drawing Products 

Resolved an issue that caused the wrong product to be drawn after certain steps were taken.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1017.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1017.641

Library Update Utility

Resolved an issue in the resolve duplicates UI that allowed a user to shrink the window too small. 
Resolved some grammar issues and improved help text on a few different messages. 
Resolved an issue that caused the “Incompatible Library” message to appear too late. The utility will now run a compatibility check the moment it’s started. 

We modified how the utility resolves duplicates and what is within the update packages to improve speed and resource load on your PC. 
We modified the logic around cumulative library updates to better detect what packages have already been running and which ones still need to be applied.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.1010.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.1010.641

Nest Editor

Resolved an issue where moving parts to a new sheet in a composite drawing would cause discrepancies.
Resolved an issue where changing the border setmill in a nest on certain shaped parts would create an invalid part border.
Resolved an issue where adding additional tabs to small parts would create an arithmetic error.
Resolved an issue where copying a part in a nest where 4-digit filenames have been turned on will result in a 5 digit filename.

Single Part Editor

Resolved an issue where canceling while drawing a route would cause a polyline to be drawn at the origin of the part.
Resolved an issue where adding additional face 6 machining to a part will move the existing face 6 machining after the part is updated.
Resolved an issue where adding a round pocket in 2D when the diameter of the tool and circle are the same would create an error.
Resolved an issue where trying to update a part from 2D from an unopened project would produce an error.
Resolved an issue where reversing the polyline of a route would alter the part name.

Library Materials

Made further modifications to project and template workflows where certain events would cause project materials to get saved to the template.

Microvellum Server

Made further modifications to the error logs that server produces to have better links to the products that caused the errors.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0928.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0928.641

Lookup Tables


  1. Resolved an issue that caused changes to save after pressing the ‘Cancel’ button.

User Interface 

  1. Resolved an issue that caused the textbox to be too small to fully read while resolving duplicates. 

Software Updates


  1. Resolved an issue that caused people in certain regions outside of the US from updating correctly. 

Machine Tokens


  1. Resolved an issue with the POLYLINE machine token when pocketing that caused the tool overlap to be incorrect.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0920.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0920.641

Machine Tokens


  1.         Resolved an issue that caused shelf holes and shelf standard machining to run horizontally instead of vertically.



  1.          Resolved an issue that prevented the hardware wizard from changing more than one piece of hardware at a time.
  1.          Resolved an issue that caused material changes to revert if they were made with the find and replace in the template material file.


Winstore (Biesse)


  1.          Resolved an issue that caused any manually added scrap to be given the wrong operation after pulling it from inventory and committing it back.
  1.          Resolved an issue and moved the code around that caused an extra “DROP_lbl.xml” file to be output. This caused some machines to error out.
  1.          Resolved an issue and moved the code around that caused the material name to always be the material handling code.


Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0901.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0901.641

General Settings


  1. Resolved an issue with the ‘Default Name of Project Locations’ setting. The project name was not being carried over when creating new rooms, or when trying to copy or delete.


User Interface


  1.      Resolved an issue that addresses copying products in the product list that would cause your selection to jump to the top of the list.
  2.    Resolved an issue with the ‘already printed’ saw patterns in the Processing Center where it was not showing when they have already been printed. 
  3.    Resolved an issue that made item numbers in composite drawings round incorrectly.




  1.         Resolved an issue with project titles containing a period that caused rooms to be disconnected from their respective project.


  1.      You can now double-click categories when moving and copying projects.


Work Orders


  1.       Resolved an issue that caused the software to freeze and fail without warning whenever attempting to create a work order from a product with a quantity of 0.
  2.     Resolved an issue that caused work orders to be missing from the ‘Work Order Selection’ UI if they contained leading or double spaces in the title.
  3.     Resolved an issue that let a user create a work order with a comma in the title. That is an illegal character and caused issues down the line.
  4.     Resolved an issue with the ‘Work Order Status’ being “In Queue” that prevented the work order from being opened via ‘Modify Work Order’.


Tool File


  1.        Resolved an issue with some IPP tool files that caused extra folders being generated in the specified G-code path.
  2.     Resolved an issue and changed the help text when using a PLINE machine token to do a pocket route. Tool priority is working as intended now and the help text has been improved so it is more clear. 


Product Prompts


  1.    Resolved an issue with the search feature in Product Prompts that was finding prompts that were not associated with the product.
  2.    Resolved an issue that allowed a user to use the ‘Show Subassembly Prompt’ command on products that were not in your current project.
  3.    Resolved an issue when trying to save a subassembly to the library via ‘Show Subassembly Prompt’. It no longer errors out after the first save and cancels correctly now.




  1.         Resolved an issue that prevented using the ‘Export Work Order Data as XML’ on a unified work order database.
  2.      Resolved an issue when importing an XML that caused the specification group to be incorrect.


  1.       Users can now use a category tag within the XML to specify what category the new project is imported into.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0831.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0831.641

User Interface


  1.  Resolved an issue in the Edit Formula Materials UI that caused the window to not grow/shrink like it should.
  2.  Resolved an issue in the Edit Formula Materials UI that would cause an error to appear when you click ‘Apply’ if the data is blank.
  3. Resolved an issue where accuracy settings were not refreshing correctly when switching between fractions and decimals.
  4.  Resolved an issue that prevented removing the Worklist File Path in H-bore processing stations.


  1. Corrected a few grammar mistakes in the Processing Center and some Processing Stations.
  2. Removed a lingering un-used button in the Project Properties (Correspondence Attachments)
  3. Drop down lists (i.e. combo boxes in Product Prompts) are now capable of showing trailing zeros.
  4. Added ‘Formula Driven Aliases’ to the selected items in Database Management when importing/exporting materials.
  5. Improved the ‘2D Tools & Parts List’ to include the row numbers of each part:



  1.          Resolved an issue that caused hardware with ‘Skip Spreadsheet Sync’ enabled to lose association to its product in the database.
  2.          Resolved an issue where adding more than 1 hardware via the ‘2D Part Editor’ would not work.

 Saw Barcodes & Labels

  1.          Resolved an issue that caused a saw processing station to sometimes not create face 5/6 barcodes.
  1.        Resolved an issue that caused the part label to reference a different part than the output file for certain saw types. 

 Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0825.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0825.641

Library Update Utility  

     New Feature: 
  1.  We have added a utility that allows us to update your Foundation library, similar to how we currently update Toolbox. This allows us to easily fix defects or add onto existing libraries.  

  1.   This utility can only be ran on Foundation libraries version 22.0729 or newer. Please talk to your account manager for more details or if your version is too old.
  1. For additional details, please visit the Library Update Utility article in the Knowledge Base. 



Material Processor 

      New Feature Now in Beta Testing

  1. We have added a material processor feature for certain material handling/storage systems. A UI will pop up if 1 or more of the following conditions are met:
1. There is a material that is in the work order that does not exist in the storage system.  
2. There is a sheet that exists in the storage system, but the corresponding material does not. 
3. If there is a sheet that does not exist in the storage system. 
  1. This feature only supports Biesse Winstore systems (for now).  
  1. Official release of this feature and accompanying documentation will be available in the near future. 




Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0720.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0720.641

Processing Stations

  1. Resolved an issue with the saw file output for Ardis processing stations when you have “None” set as the picture type.
  2. Resolved a refresh issue when deleting a processing station that has a tool file. You can now immediately delete the corresponding tool file.

IPP Toolfile

  1. Resolved a refresh issue with the Auto Labeling Type output fields not updating until completely restarting the UI.
  2. Resolved an issue where Associative Hardware on a nested subassembly was being displaced after redraw from 2D. 
  3. Resolved an issue where the formula based hardware code was using the template global value instead of the project global value.
  4. Resolved an issue where EDGEARRAY tokens were being deleted on redraw from 2D.


  1. The “Annotative Scaling” option will now default to ON when installing the software for the first time. 
  2. Modified the ‘Unit Selection’ UI in the Configuration Manager to default as un-selected instead of always Imperial.

General Settings

  1. Resolved an issue with the “Convert to Metric” setting where  imperial values were not being converted to metric when there were prompts in place with identical names and values. 

Microvellum Server

  1. Resolved an issue where processing XML’s would not follow the “Auto Assign Station Rules”.
  2. Resolved an issue with Report Groups not being output while being processed via Microvellum Server. We also improved the error messaging when this fails.  

    NOTE: Not all reports will work in Report Groups via Microvellum Server. Reports that require user input are impossible to use in this situation.
  3. Resolved an issue where DXF files were unnecessarily opened multiple times and not closed properly. 
  4. Resolved an inconsistent issue that locked certain files while processing on Microvellum Server. 
  5. Resolved an issue that caused the server log to sometimes write entries in two different places (server or config)

  1. Streamlined the UI in Server and configuration settings to give users more control over their processing.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0712.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0712.641

Workbook Designer

  1. Resolved an issue with Part Properties updating the wrong 2D Plan Token workbook cells.
  2. Resolved an issue with saving formula materials through Workbook Designer.
  3. Resolved an issue when canceling out of the “M” workbook that caused library level materials to be overwritten.
  4. Resolved an issue in the Project Wizard that prevented “Find and Replace” changes to hold.


  1. Resolved an issue with some Weeke tool files that caused the last few vectors to drop off. 
  2. Resolved an issue with some Weeke tool files that caused them to ignore the “Edge Band After Machining” setting.


  1. The “Annotative Scaling” option will now default to ON when installing the software for the first time. 
  2. Modified the ‘Unit Selection’ UI in the Configuration Manager to default as unselected instead of always Imperial.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0620.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0620.641

Reports & Labels

  1. Resolved an issue with the auto-label rotation when you create new g-code from a batch drawing.
  2. Resolved an issue with certain saws that prevented the barcode from making it into g-code or the label.
  3. Resolved an issue with h-bore barcodes in labels not being displayed correctly if the part was rotated by the optimizer.  
  4. Resolved an issue with auto-labels not displaying edge banding and h-bore on the correct sides if the part was rotated by the optimizer.
  5. Resolved an issue where certain face 6 part images would be rotated incorrectly.
  6. Resolved an issue with the Rotated Transposed Dimension setting causing h-bore barcodes to be wrong in certain situations.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0607.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0607.641

Report Groups

  1. Removed and extra "BMP" choice for the HTML format.  
  2. Resolved an issue that prevented changing the scaling in HTML output.
  3. Resolved an issue that caused default HTML outputs to be oversized. 
  1. Changed all the drop down options to lists in the Report Group settings to prevent them from being edited.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0525.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0525.641

Database Management

  1. Resolved an issue that caused products and subassemblies to need to be imported twice in order to see them in Toolbox. 
  2. Resolved an issue with apostrophes ( ‘ ) in the project name that prevented the handling of duplicate projects.
  3. Resolved an issue that prevented products from being drawn in a project. This issue only happened in very rare situations but is handled now. 
  4. Resolved an issue with subassembly and product categories not being deleted correctly.
  1. Minor updates made to the Database Management UI.
  2. Before: 

  3. After:

  4. Added a “Select All” pop-up message if multiple Database Records are detected during import. 

Edit Design Data

  1. Added the ability to hide Subassembly Prompts if the Prompt Values column is using them. Dimming or disabling the subassembly prompt value prevents users from making unintended mistakes. 

Tool File IPP

  1. Resolved an issue that caused certain tool files to skip drill pecking when writing gcode. 
  2. Resolved an issue with some Weeke tool files that caused the perimeter lead in/out route to be incorrect. 
  3. Resolved an issue with some Weeke tool files that was causing incorrect unit conversion of the arc radius on nesting operations. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0406.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0406.641

Database Management

  1. Resolved an issue that caused template level projects to be deleted when deleting a seemingly “empty” category (this was caused by a mix-up in the LinkIDCategory when importing an existing library). 


    1. Resolved an issue where in rare circumstances, 'save subassembly to library', saved to a unique subassembly instead of the correct library subassembly. Any who have experienced this just need to save the subassembly back to library again.
    1. When subassemblies are renamed when saving, the UI has been improved to predict and/or suggest the best naming of subassemblies.

    Product Prompt UI

    1. Resolved an issue that was allowing combo box lists to be scrolled through on hover with the mouse wheel. 

    Project Properties

    1. Resolved an issue where multiple edits made in the material wizard tabs of Project Properties were not saved.

    Processing Center

    1. Resolved a grammar inconsistency in the processing center. 

    Machine Tokens

    1. Resolved an issue where entering 6 options for parameter 4 of the pline token would result in the token being drawn even when machine only was selected with option 1.
    1. Modified the Dado token parameter option 1 help text to be more accurate.

    Tool File/G-code

    1. Resolved an issue that resulted in missing .dat files when “Run Face 6 First” was selected.
    2. Resolved an issue where FIGREFs were duplicating for larger work orders.

    Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0325.641

    The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0325.641


    1. Resolved an issue in certain post names where the pecking number was not working.
    2. Resolved an issue in certain post names where some face 6 machining was falling off the part when it had a quantity greater than 1.
    3. Resolved an issue in certain post names that prevented the multi-pass order from working when face 6 machining was flipped to face 5.
    4. Resolved an issue where certain routes had a lead-out that ramped when it should not have.
    5. Resolved an issue in certain post names where the face 6 file name in the Gcode did not match the file name output on disk.
    6. Resolved an issue in certain post names where rotated parts with machining on both sides were getting length/width measurements swapped in face 6.
    7. Resolved an issue in certain post names when “Allow Vertical Drills” was turned off, the program would not close because it had unwritten drills.
    8. Resolved an issue in certain post names that caused “Remove Duplicate Gcode” to remove duplicate Gcode in a nesting station (this should not happen in a nest).


    1. Resolved an issue where router feed speeds were being overwritten by the material override for the entire work order process. It is now using a copy of the router tool to change feed speeds.
    2. Resolved an issue that prevented processing when certain parts had edgeband on all four sides with a thickness of .01.
    3. Resolved an issue where the diameter of the H-drill was being rounded to the nearest tenth. This was causing 9.525 to be truncated to 9.5.

    Machine Tokens

    1. Resolved an issue where the PLINE token's 6th and 7th parameter would ignore any decimals.

    Material UI

    1. No longer including brackets in copied materials. Materials now use an underscore when copied.

    Toolbox Release Notes | Build 22.1.0317.641

    The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 22.1.0317.641


    1. Resolved an issue where the user experience took longer than necessary to start.  


      1. Resolved an issue where with formulated materials the costing could not calculate in certain scenarios.
      2. Resolved an issue where with formulated Edgebanding materials, the edging values could not be modified in the processing center.
      3. Resolved an issue where with formulated materials the material labor value was not copied from the sheet table into the parts table in the work order database.

      Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.2.0127.641

      The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.2.0127.641

      3D Drawing

      1. Resolved an issue where the DRAWMOLDING FaceFrameRail drawing token would cause an error in Part Properties.

      Edit Design Data

        1. Added a message box to warn about unexpected results when the spreadsheet culture option and UI language option are not the same.
        1. Resolved an issue where Edit Design Data would not prompt to save a nested subassembly if the main subassembly was changed from the Product workbook.
        2. Resolved an issue where molding from the DRAWMOLDING token would continue to draw duplicate parts and would not add xdata to the part in the L workbook.
        3. Resolved an issue where the user was not asked to save after making a change in Workbook Designer and then closing Edit Design Data.
        4. Resolved an issue where Edit Design Data would allow you to select a product from a project that was not currently open causing the product to be orphaned in the database.

        Machine Tokens

        1. Resolved an issue where adjustable shelf holes would run in the wrong direction after rotating a part.  

        Part Processing

        1. Added backward compatibility with v67 when updating or creating new g-code in a Room.dwg.
        1. Resolved an issue where valid data was being overwritten with blank cells when processing a nest with processing station associates.
        2. Resolved an issue where barcodes were being added to all parts with associate processing stations.
        3. Resolved an issue where a horizontal bore tool file and processing station created a face 6 barcode on parts with face 6 machining.
        4. Resolved an issue where extra copies of the Num(#) Column were added in the Processing Center after changes were made to a processing station.

        Workbook Designer

        1. Resolved an issue when modifying and closing the "M" workbook without saving changes, library materials are overwritten by project materials in Workbook Designer.

        Toolbox Release Notes | Build 21.2.0111.641

        The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox Build 21.2.0111.641

        Scrap Management

        1. Resolved an issue that was causing the Offal Cutting pattern to cut into rounded parts.

        Saw Optimizer

        1. Resolved an issue where the PTX output did not match the results in the optimization report.

        Part Processing

        1. Modified the output of the tool file filename to include the full filename on all parts for Point-to-Point Part Stations regardless of the type (spreadsheet or IPP).
        1. Resolved an issue where unwanted characters (carriage return, line feed, tab, commas within variables, quotation marks in variables) were being inserted into the .PTX output.

        Project Wizard

        1. Resolved an issue where Project Wizard Find and Replace did not revert on close.

        User Interface

        1. Resolved issue where double-clicking "OK" when launching Find and Replace to copy a Specification Group would create duplicate Specification Groups.

        Include Routes In Borders (IRIB)

          1. Resolved an issue when checking for a square pocket, the original route was allowed to be changed even if it wasn't a pocket.


              1. Resolved an issue causing the find and replace in a project's material file to change the template's material file.
              2. Resolved an issue after copying/moving to a different category, then renaming materials,  sometimes the name change was not maintained.

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