Toolbox Release Notes: Year of 2024

Toolbox Release Notes: Year of 2024

This document will catalog all releases for Microvellum Toolbox software builds that were released in the year 2024. This encompasses builds 24.1.0104.641 to 24.1.1206.641.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1206.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1206.641

MV Server Nesting Fix

  1. There was a reported issue occurring when users attempted to remotely process work orders using a nesting station on MV Server. When attempting to process the work order, one would instead experience an error, and the operation would thus fail to produce any machine code. This error has been resolved with a coding adjustment- nesting operations should be able to process remotely without this error appearing again. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1125.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1125.641.

IRIB Setmill Location Fix

Fig. 1: Setmill being moved to the start of the route (top) rather than at the center of a straight line, as intended (bottom).
  1. There was an issue reportedly occurring during PTP operations, wherein parts would sometimes have their setmill moved to the incorrect position, appearing where the border route was starting rather than its set position. It was found that this issue was occurring when IRIB and “Remove Lead In/Out for DXF” were enabled simultaneously, with the two settings sometimes overwriting each other, resulting in the setmill location being erroneously registered as false within the software, and automatically setting the setmill at the starting point of the border route.  
  1. This issue has been resolved. The fix has been applied to ensure that the setmill will be placed correctly during processing.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1105.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1105.641

Nesting Fix

  1. There was reportedly an issue that occurred when clients attempted to process a work order using the nesting processing station. When processing a work order and assigning stations to all parts, there was sometimes a fatal error (leading to a software crash) happening when the nesting processing station nears its completion (during Quantity Indexing).
  1. The issue has been resolved, though it should be noted that the error was difficult to test extensively, due to the problem being difficult to replicate. As such, if the issue is found to occur after updating, please report it to Microvellum by creating a general problem support case.

Database Size Warning Fix 

  1. Users have reported issues with the database size limit warning pop-up implemented in Toolbox build 24.1.0913.641. Namely, regardless of the amount of space currently in use on one database, the pop-up would appear repeatedly to warn users that their database was at 90% capacity.
  1. This issue has been resolved- the query being used to measure databases has been improved, resulting in more accurate estimation of when one’s database is low on available space. The warning message should thus only display when one’s database is nearing maximum capacity.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1030.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1030.641

Routing and Profile Fixes

Several issues were found with routing and polyline paths:
Fig. 1: Horizontal routes off of a part disappearing (left) and appearing correctly (right).
  1. When creating paths for horizontal routing, routes that came off the part but were intended to be routed into the side of a material would instead simply disappear from the part completely.
  1. When creating external profiles for profile doors, it was sometimes the case that the external profiles would not route correctly, with external routes being dropped.
  1. When routing a part, there was sometimes an issue occurring wherein an offset route would disappear in 2D and fail to machine (it would remain visible in Part Properties, however.)
Fig. 2: The "Remove Routes Outside Border" setting in Part Properties.
  1. All these issues have been resolved- a new setting has been added to allow users to select whether or not routes off of a part's border will be dropped. With this setting enabled, routes that move 100% off the part are dropped. When it is not enabled (the default), routes will behave as they normally would. 

Offset Paths Adding Radiuses Fix

  1. When creating products and paths with straight corners, then enabling the Refine Offset Paths with Arcs setting, it was reported there was an issue wherein the setting would continue to function, automatically adding arcs and radiuses to paths even after Refine Offset Paths with Arcs was disabled. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- radiuses should no longer generate when the Refine Offset Paths with Arcs setting is not enabled. 

SQL Relay Fix

Fig 3: SQL Relay option pop-up.
  1. An issue was reportedly occurring when users attempted to change their data access. When selecting the option “SQL Relay” in the data access control panel, then closing without entering any credentials, a pop-up alerting users that their SQL Relay URL was invalid would pop up repeatedly, preventing them from fixing the problem or continuing to use the software without closing it. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- the “SQL Relay” option has been removed from data access entirely, as the option wasn’t usable with the software.

Extruded Product Setmill Fix

Fig. 4: Extruded arc countertop with internal machining disappearing (left) and appearing (right).
  1. An issue was reportedly occurring when users attempted to extrude a countertop over an arc polyline. When extruding an extruded countertop product on an arc polyline, the product would have an altered setmill value, with internal machine tokens and machining failing to display on the countertop. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- logic has been added to the software to enable setmill to be more stable, allowing for extruded products to be extruded without the loss of internal machining. 

Library Update Utility Fix

  1. An issue occurred when users attempted to install one of the cumulative updates from the Microvellum Foundation Library, wherein the software would freeze, and the update would not apply. 
  1. This issue has been resolved, and library updates should apply successfully without any issues from cumulative updates. 

UI Fixes

Multiple UI issues have been resolved: 
Fig. 5: Drawer calculators appearing on the Misc Panel product.
  1. There was sometimes an issue wherein the drawer front and drawer opening calculators would appear on products that had no drawers.
  1. Changing the saw output type within one’s saw processing station would sometimes result in sections of the settings being dislocated or else disappearing from the UI. 
  1. It was reported that there were sometimes issues with project naming, wherein the default name of project locations would not update when changed, unless the software was closed and opened once again. 
  1. There was sometimes an issue with specific types of tokens not generating correctly due to unnecessary parameters being left empty, such as turning tokens on the Misc Panel product.
Fig. 6: A broken link from MVProduction.
  1. An issue sometimes occurred in Microvellum Production, wherein certain features would open incorrect links, opening removed or outdated pages on Microvellum’s website. 
  1. Sometimes, when illegal characters were added to project or file names, the names would still be saved, leading to issues when opening them. 

Processing Station UI Changes

Fig. 7: The expanded Saw Processing Station UI.
Fig. 8: The expanded Nest Processing Station UI.
  1. The UI for Nesting, Point to Point, and Sawing processing stations have received an update to improve their usability and ease of navigation. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1010.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1010.641

Biesse Winstore Fix

Several issues with the Biesse Winstore plugin have been resolved:
  1. There was an issue that would sometimes occur wherein materials that were intended to stack wound not stack correctly in the generated code. 
  1. There was an issue that would occur when closing using the Windows taskbar, which would cause an error. 
  1. The plugin would sometimes have an issue wherein the Index would be out of range if there were no set material storage locations entered. 
  1. An issue would sometimes occur wherein clicking the “Setting” button would result in the scrap in the “Scrap Committed to Inventory” being cleared out.
  1. Users reported an occasional issue that would occur within Scrap Management, noting that decimal places and values would sometimes be inconsistent before and after opening the settings. 


  1. An issue with Point-to-Point machining files has been reported by users: when creating files with PTP, then updating/creating new G-code in the file, the data within the file and the data within the database would, in some cases (namely, when working with parts of multiple quantities), mismatch. This issue has been resolved- the information in the database the output of the parts. 

MVServer Work Order Fix

Fig. 1: A work order freezing when set to process remotely.
  1. There was an issue some users encountered when using Microvellum Server configuration, occurring when they put together work orders remotely. When attempting to set a work order to process remotely, the work order would sometimes freeze before ever reaching the processing station, resulting in the system needing to be restarted to continue. This issue has been resolved- work orders should no longer freeze when activated remotely.

UI Fixes

Multiple fixes have been made to small issues that existed within Microvellum’s UI:
Fig. 2: "Subassembly Entries" misspelled.
  1. There was an issue in the UI of Library Designer, wherein the Subassembly Entries option on the “Find and Replace” option was misspelled as “Subassy Entries”.
Fig. 3: The non-clickable article link in the UI.
  1. In the Workbook Designer page, when clicking the “About Microvellum Workbook Designer” under the ‘Help’ menu, the resultant pop-up with a link to the appropriate Microvellum Knowledge Network article would not function correctly. Users are intended to be capable of clicking the link to open the web page, but the link would not open when clicked.
Fig. 4: Duplicate report groups created after clicking "Cancel".
  1. When duplicating the name of an existent report group in the Setup Report Groups UI, users are intended to receive a pop-up alert informing them that there is already a report group with the name. Users discovered an issue when cancelling to dismiss this pop-up, wherein a second report group of the same name would be created regardless. 

Cutrite Fix

  1. An option has been created in the process of resolving an issue within Cutrite Processing Stations, wherein Cutrite files didn’t have an option available to replace the board name with the board’s handling code. Users will now have this option to replace a board's name with its handling code. 

Staydown Path Fixes

There were a few issues with Staydown nesting paths, wherein paths would have vectors applying incorrectly:
Fig. 5: A vector (incorrectly) placed at an intersection.
  1. Sometimes, vectors would be placed at every intersecting element in a drawing, even if the line direction was the same. 
Fig. 6: A dado having its edge flattened.
  1. When staydown was applied to products with parts or components that utilized arcs in their shape (such as using dados as connectors), the parts would sometimes not arc correctly, due to the arc value being too small relative to the tool size and distance between parts, which would result in the arced part not having its full radius on the edge, instead being flattened at the edge.
Fig. 7: Parts misshapen due to their vectors incorrectly dropped.
  1. When staydown nesting was applied to products and parts with arches in them, there was sometimes an issue wherein the stay down path would drop vectors, resulting in incorrectly shaped paths. 
  1. All these issues have been resolved- staydown paths should no longer have issues with adding or dropping vectors or converting arcs into flat edges but should all function as intended with the correct path shape and vectors applied.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.1001.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.1001.641

HBore Toolfile Fix

Fig. 1: The location in the Toolfile UI where the error would occur.
  1. There was an issue reported with the functionality of the Horizontal Boring Machine setting in Toolfiles; namely, when attempting to set a Toolfile Machine Type to Horizontal Boring Machine within the Toolfile interface, users would encounter an error. This issue has been resolved; users should now no longer encounter any errors when setting the machine type within the Toolfile UI. 

MVProduction Fixes

There were a small number of issues reportedly encountered by users utilizing Microvellum Production:
  1. When attempting to open reports within a project with “Display Cost Based Estimating” enabled, the report would not open, and the user would get an error. 
  1. When working with Purchase Orders within MVProduction, attempting to print a Purchase Order would result in the order not displaying, and the user getting an error.
  1. When users attempted to open older existing estimating reports in MVProduction, they would sometimes encounter an error stating that the report requires a work order to be open.
  1. All these issues have been resolved- using or attempting to use purchase orders and reports should no longer result in any errors within MVProduction. 

Polyline Pocket Routing Fixes

  1. Users reported issues that would occur when attempting to route with a polyline token:
Fig 2: Edge profiles dropped from a product (left) and restored (right).
  1. Products and parts with a polyline token would sometimes lack or not apply an edge profile to the part or product. 
Fig. 3: Corner routes disappearing from a part (left) and displaying correctly (right).
  1. Corner routes would sometimes fail to draw or be added onto their assigned parts or products. 
  2. Toe kicks that were pocketed using a CORNERNOTCH token would sometimes not display their routing or pocketing type correctly. 
Fig. 4: Cleanup routes being dropped (left) and appearing correctly (right).
  1. When drawing cleanup routes (routes outside of the part borders intended to be used to clean out material prior to mitre or profile cutting) in 2D, users sometimes would encounter an issue where the routes outside of the border would be dropped entirely. 
  2. All these issues were occurring because polylines of routes were 100% off the part. It was the standard that the route would be dropped from the part entirely. With this update, a part border will be detected by the software, and if it is within 1.5x the bit diameter, the route will no longer be dropped. With this change, all these issues should be resolved and no longer occur.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0913.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0913.641

Copying Fix

Issues were reportedly occurring when users attempted to copy projects and rooms:
  1. When attempting to copy a and move a project, it was sometimes the case that products being redrawn in 3D after importing would cause the software to crash or an error would occur, usually while drawing the product’s plan view. 
  2. When copying a room and redrawing the products and components from the original room, multiple room components (such as walls) would be missing from the data or fail to draw. 
  3. Both issues have been resolved, copied projects and rooms should no longer cause errors or crashes, and room components should no longer fail to carry over into the copy.  

Factory Database Modification

  1. The Factory Database has received a modification: users will now receive a pop-up warning when their Factory Database is approaching its maximum capacity. 
  2. This feature will function upon opening the software, which will query user databases to determine capacity size, then the amount of space currently used, and send an alert like the one above if the database is nearly full, to help users prevent any operational slowdown or data management issues, such as the overwriting of new projects.
  3. If your database is nearing its maximum capacity, it is suggested you create a backup of your database before deleting/exporting data using the Database Management Utility

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0906.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0906.641

SMA Fix 

Fig. 1: An incorrect circle (left) and the corrected version of the same circle (right).
  1. An issue with SMA analyzing circles in an erroneous manner has been resolved. It was reported by clients that when using the SMA on parts that were shaped into circles that the circles analyzed after extrusion would be erroneous, with some having the edges cut off, and others having only the edges displayed correctly, seemingly based on the position of the part in model space. Circles analyzed with the SMA should no longer face this issue. 

Edit Design Data Filter Fix

Fig. 3: Parts missing in the Design Data of a product.
  1. An issue with part visibility in Design Data has been resolved. When editing the design data of a product and using filters, it was found that certain parts that were intended to be included were not appearing within the spreadsheet. Sometimes, when this issue occurred, rather than a few specific parts missing, the entire table would display as empty. When “Show All Parts” was selected, then the filter was turned back on, the missing parts would appear correctly, but not without first selecting that option. This issue should no longer occur- design data should display the appropriate parts in filters from the outset. 

Face 6 Labeling Fix

Issues were reported with face 6 machining appearing on labels that did not have face 6 applied to any parts:
  1. When one used the “Create New Machining Instructions and G-Code From Drawing” option to generate a new batch from the composite drawing, even if the drawing and the work order it is attached do have no face 6 machining assigned, the labels of the batch would have face 6 machining displayed on its labels. 
  1. A similar issue would occur when running work orders that previously had face 6 machining assigned: when moving all face 6 parts to a new sheet and generating new G-code from the remaining parts in the original (which should result in all face 6 machining and barcodes being removed from the sheet), it was found that the face 6 barcodes would still appear on labels, despite no face 6 parts being present. 
  1. Both issues have been resolved, and labels should no longer incorrectly display face 6 machining on parts. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0815.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0815.641

Drawer Box Height Fix

  1. An issue centered around drawer box calculations has been resolved. When using a drawer calculator to calculate the height of a drawer box or drawer face in a product, then altering the product in some way (such as by changing the base cabinet height in the Product Prompts or Project Wizard), the drawer’s height would not adjust to the product’s new size. If checked via the calculator, drawer height/drawer front height would display the adjusted measurements, but the actual height values in the Design Data would not change. Drawer box height and drawer face height should now adjust correctly when the product is modified. 

Dynamic Hardware Image Size Fix

Fig. 01: An incorrectly scaled dynamic image (top) and the corrected image (bottom).
  1. An issue with dynamic hardware image sizes has been resolved. Several users reported that dynamic hardware images placed on their labels and in reports would show as significantly larger in scale than their intended size, often resulting in images that were unable to be used. Dwg's should no longer have this issue. 

Missing Nest Parts Fix

  1. A recurring issue with parts not being placed into work orders has been resolved. When processing work orders with large quantities of identical (but not identically placed) parts, it was found that some of the parts would not be processed or placed into the drawing at all. This issue would most often occur when the optimization strategy set for the work order was “Best Yield”. Parts should no longer drop from work orders. 

SMA Fixes

  1. There has been a recurring issue reported with the Solid Model Analyzer and the amount of time it takes to analyze a 3D product. Some clients found that when using the SMA, the analyzer would freeze during the process, being unable to complete the analyzation. Other users found that while the SMA would function and be able to complete its processes, it took an excessively long amount of time to complete. This issue was more pervasive for clients using Metric than it was for clients using Imperial. The duration of analyzation should no longer be excessive, and the SMA should complete its analysis without significant issue.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0805.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0805.641

Material Flip Fix

  1. An issue with materials encountered when using MV Server has been reported by users. When attempting to process materials that have any type of flip enabled, it is expected that the materials will adhere to the respective setting value specific to them, with the default value being 0 (flip on a material-by-material basis). On Microvellum Server, an issue was found where if one processes a material that has always flip enabled, the default value of the flip setting in the database will change from 0 to 2, meaning all materials will have Always Flip set as the default. This issue has been resolved- the setting should be set to apply the default unless specified to do otherwise. 

Fillet Corner Machining Fix

  1. There was reportedly an issue with fillet corner tokens not appearing in 2D. When attempting to draw a product created in an earlier build that had fillet corner tokens added in a newer build, the fillet corner tokens would not be drawn in 2D correctly, despite appearing to be represented correctly in 3D. This issue has been resolved- fillet corner tokens should be machined correctly in newer builds. 

2D Section View Redrawing Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with deleted 2D drawings redrawing. Sometimes, when one created a 2D drawing of a product, then deleted the 2D drawing, and redrew the 3D product, the deleted 2D drawing would reappear as well. This issue has been resolved- unwanted 2D drawings should no longer redraw upon altering a product. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0719.642

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0719.642

900 Tools Fix

  1. A recurring issue with 900 tools being used in an incorrect order during certain operations was reported. The issue would manifest as tools switching back and forth during routing operations, rather than each tool completing the full sequence it was automatically assigned to. This meant that unless one manually assigned route priority, tools would be used erroneously and generate incorrect coding. This issue has been resolved; 900 tools should now complete the full sequence they are automatically assigned to before switching to the next tool.

Report JPEG Location Fix

  1. When creating new report groups, an issue was found with certain image types not generating in secondary output locations. After creating a new report group, assigning work order reports to generate in a secondary location, then processing a work order with that report group active, it was found that JPEGs would only generate in the standard Microvellum output location, not the secondary one. This issue has been resolved, and JPEGs in reports should generate in the expected secondary file output locations without issue. 

Setmill G-Code Fix

Fig. 1: The G-code of a part with a misshapen border (left), and the same G-code after being fixed (right).
  1. There was an issue reportedly occurring with certain parts when the location of part borders is altered. When using setmill to change the location of a part’s border in 2D, the resultant G-code would be missing a large amount of data, leading to the part border being drawn erroneously or with an incorrect shape, oftentimes shaving the part’s border in half. This issue would only occur when the border setmill was altered from its initial location. This issue has been resolved, using setmill to change border location should no longer result in missing part data.

Hardware Dynamic Drawing Fix

  1. An issue was reportedly happening to some users when they attempted to draw dynamic product images of cabinets that contained hardware in work reports. This notedly only occurred in newer builds. When attempting to draw a cabinet that contained hardware, the software would sometimes produce an error message and not draw the dynamic image in a report. This issue has been resolved, and this error should not be appearing when attempting to draw a dynamic product image any longer. 

Project Material Fixes

A pair of issues related to project-level materials were reported: 
  1. An issue with project-level buyout material cost not saving was discovered. When one used the Edit Design Data interface to add a buyout material to the buyout material table, added it to a part, then added a specific price to it and exited the interface, it was found that the price would not be saved upon reloading. 
Fig. 2: The MFSH table of the M workbook, not extending to include the new project-level material.
  1. There was an issue with newly created project level materials being assigned to pointers. When assigning a newly created project level material to a pointer and drawing a product that uses the material as part of its construction, the product would be missing the parts with that material assigned to them. The material’s thickness would not register, and when inspecting the M workbook, it was found that the table was not extending far enough to include the new material in the project, and as such, it did not register in the project. 
  1. Both issues have been resolved- newly added buyout materials should now save their respective price, and material tables should automatically include newly added materials that have been given properties without issue. 

Hinge Position Fix

Fig. 3: A pair of hinges with incorrect origin points.
  1. There was an issue with hinge positions in products that were redrawn after using the 2D part editor. When one edited a part attached to a hinge in the 2D part editor, then redrew the product, it was sometimes the case that the hinge would be placed incorrectly in the product. Upon inspection, one would find that, in the design data, the hinge’s assigned origin in the product was being overwritten with a hard value, causing the hinge to be positioned incorrectly. This issue has been resolved; hinges should no longer have their origin overwritten by hard values and should thus no longer have issues of improper placement in a product.

Library Designer Fixes

Two issues with the Library Designer were reported:
Fig. 4: A copied "DRAWTEXT1" token disappearing in the Metafile Instructions.
  1. When modifying the Metafile Instructions on a product in the Library Designer, copying and pasting in tokens, then redrawing the product, it was found that in some cases, the final token added to a product would not draw or retain its formula or name. This would lead to the token simply failing to appear in the product or coding. 
Fig. 5: The blank console (left) and empty folders (right) after attempting to only add room components in Library Designer.
  1. An issue would occur when first attempting to utilize the Library Designer. When creating a new Library Designer file and selecting only the Room Components to add to the library, an error would occur. Upon restarting Toolbox and opening Library Designer once again, one would find that the Room Components entry would be added to the panel, but none of the actual room components would be present, with all the subsequent folders being empty. 
  1. Both issues have been resolved- all copied or newly created tokens in the Metafile Instructions should be retained by the Library Designer, and this error that would result in a blank console and empty Room Component folders should no longer occur in the initial Library Designer startup. 

Data Catalog Registry Fix

  1. There was a known issue that would occur at random, and without clear cause, wherein the Data Source or Data Catalog entry within the registry would be deleted or randomly set to 0, causing crashes or freezes in the middle of software use. It would occur most reliably when interacting with one’s project specification groups, such as when copying and pasting a spec group to a new one. This issue is still considered under investigation at the time of writing but has been partially addressed- it is believed that the root of the issue has been discovered and resolved, but due to its rare occurrence, it is not currently known whether the issue has been completely removed.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0703.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0703.641

Product Comments Fix

  1. An issue with product comments in has been resolved. It was found that in older builds (pre-2023), when a formula driven product had comments placed into it and the product was redrawn from the database, the comments would be updated with the product drawing. This was not the case with newer builds, however. With this fix, product comments in the product list should be updated when a product is redrawn from the database. 

Nest Tools Order Fix

  1. An issue reportedly occurred when using multi-tools, wherein 900 tools would be used in an incorrect order during certain operations, with tools order varying back and forth, rather than each tool completing the full sequence it is expected to in a routing operation, unless one manually assigns route priority. For example, during testing, when using tools 911 and 912 assigned to a double line routing operation, the tools would, rather than complete their assigned steps, alternate on a step-by-step basis. This issue has been resolved, and nesting tools should now operate in their proper order (tools completing their intended steps in the operation) without requiring manual assignment.

Multipass Rule Fix

  1. There was a reported issue that would occur when processing work orders using Biesse Toolfiles with the “Run Face 6 First” option enabled. When processing an order, the parts would have the multipass rule (route using successive depths, such as a depth of 21 for the first pass, then a depth of 25 for the second pass) function correctly, with 2 routes at successive depths, but it was found that the sheet’s trim would not. Rather than following the mutltipass rule, instead immediately creating a single route at the second assigned depth. This issue has been resolved- routing operations using Biesse toolfiles should now properly use successive depths in accordance with the multipass rule.

Horizontal Boring String Fix

  1. There was an issue that would occur during processing, when a horizontal boring operation had a custom string replacing a string. When processing a part with more than 1 hbore per edge, the generated code from the writer would have the custom string repeating and compounding with each line. This issue has been resolved- custom strings should no longer be compounding in the writer. 

Edgebanding Fix

  1. An issue would sometimes occur when creating work orders containing edgebanding on multiple parts in a Unified Work Order Database. When examining a work order that had been exported from a Unified Work Order Database, it was expected that each part would have its edgebanding documented, only to instead find that several parts only had a single instance of edgebanding from each part populating the table. This issue has been resolved- edgebanding data should be displayed properly in exported files, regardless of whether they are from a UWOD. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0625.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0625.641

Ramping Fix

  1. There was reportedly an issue occurring with ramping wherein ramping would not function properly when utilized on a 4-sided cutout machine token. When attempting to ramp using a 4-sided cutout machine token, the ramping process would instead be skipped as the machine simply plunged to its set depth without pausing at the top of the material. Moreover, in testing, it was found that when adding a work order with ramping information to the Work Order database, it was sometimes the case that the information would come in incorrect. This issue has been resolved- ramping should function as normal as part of the machining process. 

Processing Station Rules Fix

  1. An issue was reported wherein barcode information would not be reflected on label information. When processing a part using the “Assign Processing Station Rules” option, there was sometimes code generated wherein the part would not have machine codes present (such as horizontal boring). This issue noticeably only occurred when users selected the “Assign Processing Station Rules” option just before processing their order, and only in Ardis processing stations. If any other option in the processing station was selected after “Assign Processing Station Rules”, the order would process and generate code normally. This issue has been resolved- using "Assign Processing Station Rules" last should no longer result in missing machine code.     

Router Drill Fix

  1. There was an issue with router drills wherein router drills would sometimes have issues of size inconsistency. When using a router drill, it was sometimes the case that holes on a part would be processed as significantly larger than they were designed to be (in an example test, a hole came out 7mm larger than it was set to be). This issue has been resolved- drilling holes should now be reflective of their set size.

Toolfile Custom Settings Fix

  1. An issue was discovered with custom settings in Toolfiles, wherein constants added into a Toolfile would not register, with any changes to existing tools or any newly added tool constants disappearing or reverting upon closing the Toolfile UI. This issue has been resolved- constants will now be able to be modified and retain their newly modified value. New constants will appear when reloaded.

Stay Down Nesting Route Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with border routing during stay-down nesting, wherein material specific tools assigned to border routing would not appear in the composite drawing or be generated into the G-code. Rather, only the default cutting tool would be used or assigned in the composite drawing and G-code. This would occur even when the default cutting tool was changed to another tool, with the selection sometimes reverting, leading to incomplete cuts at the ends of parts. This issue has been resolved- the assigned cutting tool for the material will consistently be the one used in processing without issue. 

Pocketing Fixes

  1. There was a reported issue was occurring during pocketing, wherein routes drawn would be processed and come out incomplete or missing lines, leading to incorrectly shaped parts. This has been resolved- routing lines should no longer be lost in composites or coding after a part has been processed, and cuts should come out correctly. 

Processing Station Addition

  1. Processing stations have had a new option added to allow for composite images to be generated as JPG files rather than WMF files once a work order has been processed. 

Server Fixes

  1. There was an issue in Microvellum Server, wherein messages in the event log would sometimes repeat during processing, even after significant periods of time had passed since the initial event was logged. 
  1. MVServer has had an expansion made to one of its functions. Previously, it was only possible for one instance of the server to add XML files from the configuration queue to be processed. It is now possible for multiple concurrent instances to add XML files from the same queue (provided the configuration is on both servers and the servers are linked). 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0611.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0611.641

SMA Fixes

Users reported two issues centered around the Solid Model Analyzer, specifically centered around routing on parts that used the SMA. 
Fig. 01: The midpoint of an arc going outside of the bounds of a part.
  1. There was an issue that would occur when analyzing parts with an arc in them, such as a part with an arcing route near the border. Rather than have the route be displayed properly throughout the entire drawing, when analyzing, the arc would be positioned improperly, with a small section of the arc going over the border, creating a flattened spot on the part that was present during cutting. 
Fig. 02: The analyze mode producing an excessive number of vectors.
  1. A recurring issue was noted wherein one would analyze an arc on a part, only to find that the polyline was separated into an excessively high number of vectors, rather than just a single continuous vector of an arc. 
Fig. 03: Arc Analyzation settings.
  1. Both issues were resolved through a slight calculation adjustment of the SMA. 2 new options have been added to the Solid Analyzation settings under the Toolbox Setup tab. These options are enabled by default and will allow users to increase precision on bounding boxes, as well as refine line-to-arc conversion to minimize vector amount. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0528.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0528.641

Part Report Fix

Fig. 1: Correctly flipped face 6 report image (top) and incorrectly flipped face 6 image (bottom).
  1. An issue would sometimes reportedly occur when a single part was processed by multiple processing stations. When the report completed processing, the images within the report would sometimes have problems of placement, such as a part with face 5 and 6 having the face 6 image mirroring the face 5 incorrectly in one processing station. This issue has been resolved- images on reports should have their flipping displayed correctly. 

3D Modeling UI

Fig. 2: New surface geometry progress pop-up.
  1. A new UI pop-up displaying progress of product geometry generating during product drawing has been added. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0513.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox Build 24.1.0513.641

PTX Saw Fix

Figure 1: Code generated on a PTX Saw with incorrect corresponding values (left) and corrected values (right).
  1. An issue was reported wherein work orders assigned to the PTX saw would have parts of the of the code display incorrect dimensions, such as the cut part size displaying the values of the finish size. This issue has been resolved- processing parts through a PTX saw should no longer result in any issues with the output of a product.  

Registry Modification

Figure 2: The Data Access tab of Toolbox, where a new check has been added on Data Source and Data Catalog.
  1. An issue has been reported, wherein the Data Source or Data Catalog entry within the Registry would be deleted or set to zero seemingly at random, leading to crashes and software freezes in the middle of software use. Some users reported that this issue would most often occur when copying/creating and saving multiple specification groups in rapid succession. The cause of this issue is, at the time of this build’s release, unknown. To reduce the possibility of this issue occurring, an additional check has been placed into the Data Access interface in Toolbox, to ensure the data is not deleted unintentionally during software use.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0503.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox Build 24.1.0503.641

3D Representation Fix

  1. A 3D representation issue with certain products (such as corner cabinets) was reported. Some clients found that when drawing these types of products, polyline cutouts would not be applied correctly to the parts of the product, resulting in visible clipping in the 3D drawing. This issue has been resolved- polyline cutouts in corner cabinets should now apply correctly and cause no problems with the 3D drawing. 

Spoilboard Penetration Fix

  1. Users reported an issue which would occur when routing using a 900 PTP tool. With a 900-tool set to 3 passes, the final pass would create an incorrectly calculated (excessively deep) route if the Spoilboard Penetration Value was set to anything beyond 0. This issue has been resolved- final passes on the route should stop at the route depth without any difficulties. 

Optimization Fixes

  1. An issue with nesting optimization was reported by some clients, who found that there was a reduction in overall yield when processing orders with specific optimization settings on more recent Toolbox builds. This issue has been resolved- there should no longer be any noticeable reduction in yield when processing.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0430.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0430.641.

G-Code Path Fix

  1. An issue was discovered wherein G-code would sometimes not generate along the correct path, with files never being created in secondary folders, even in circumstances where secondary folders are intended to be added to the file path (such as when using a face 5 route). This issue has been resolved- G-code should now generate along the path it is set to, with secondary folders having data created in them if used. 

Extra Label Image Fix

Figure 1: An empty extra label image erroneously generated.
  1. There was a reported issue that would sometimes occur when users processed orders with 2 different saws- processing with 2 saws would sometimes result in one’s labels generating an extra label image, despite one never being placed in the order. This issue has been resolved- processing with 2 saws should only produce the appropriate number of labels and label images. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0416.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0416.641.

Maestro Toolfile Fix

  1. There was an issue with Maestro SCM Toolfiles reportedly experienced by some users, wherein the labels output by autolabeling would be in incorrect positions, an issue tied to repetition in certain system values when commencing a routing operation. This issue has been resolved- labels generated by the autolabeling system should now be placed correctly on parts. 

MV Server Conversion Fix

  1. An issue was reported by users regarding XML files being converted on the MV Server, with the conversion failing, accompanied by an error message stating the work order could not be processed or converted when converting from a character string to a unique identifier. This issue has been resolved- XML files should now be converted correctly and without error. 

Extruded Products Update

  1. 3 new hidden prompts have been created to enable more dynamic extruded library products: PLINEINDEXORIGINALPLINEVECTORS, and ORIGINALPLINEBULGE. These prompts, when added to an extruded product, add in special values to the product workbooks, as well as enabling the product to have dimensions (such as depth, height, etc.) modified and be redrawn without issue.

Mayer Saw Connection

  1. The saw processing station has had the option to connect to Mayer saws added. 

900 Tool Fix

  1. There was an issue reportedly occurring with the 900 PTP Toolfile, wherein the Toolfile would not generate code with the correct step values correctly, instead having its values restricted to the lowest possible value as default. This issue has been resolved- G-code should now generate with the correct and predicted step values, changing between the correct tools when running a PTP operation. 

Product Calculation Fix

  1. An issue was reported with certain product values being unable to be changed within the product prompts. Specifically, the values of product additional hardware like bays would have their value default to 0 when users attempted to alter the values within the prompts. This issue has been resolved- products should no longer have any issue with values being reset when altering the dimensions of a part or the entire product. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0409.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0409.641

Saw Delimited Processing Station

Figure 1: The Saw Delimited option in a custom processing station.
  1. New options have been added to saw processing stations to allow for control over data in work orders, allow for the use of delimiters, and the ability to add prefixes and headers to output. Users should now be able to add label image name to a label.

Labeling Fix

  1. An issue was experienced by some users with the labeling system within Toolbox, wherein the Product Labeling and Part Labeling options (which work independently of one another) were unable to function without being simultaneously enabled. Part and Product labels were thus unable to be printed without both switched on. This issue has been resolved- the Part Labels and Product Labels modules and settings should function independently of one another without issue. 

Solid Model Analyzer Border Route Fix

Figure 2: SMA routing border unable to be adjusted.
  1. Some users experienced an issue with the Solid Model Analyzer, occurring when attempting to create border routes on certain parts. When creating a rectangular part in the SMA, then setting that part to the 2D Part Editor, the part would be unable to have its dimensions or values in any of its sizes changed in the part properties, due to an additional route added on top of it in the 2D part editor, to have machining applied to it. This issue has been resolved- routes should no longer have any issue with routes being unable to be adjusted or have their values changed.

G-Code File Name Fix

  1. There was an issue found when creating G-code with a custom file name, then generating a bar code to be used with the G-code. The file names for the G-code and barcode would not match, with the barcode having a randomly generated file name, and attempting to update the file name to remedy the issue would result in the creation of a new G-code file with a new, randomly generated custom name. This issue has been resolved- G-codes with custom file names should generate barcodes with matching names. 

3D Drawing Fix

  1. An issue was found wherein attempting to draw products drawn in 2D in 3D from the product viewer using the “Draw Selected Product(s)” button under the “Draw Selected Product” option in the Product Viewer would result in products being drawn in 3D with incorrect dimensions, rotation, position, and other aspects that made them misalign with the 2D drawing.
  1. Other times, rather than drawing products in erroneous positions or with incorrect rotation, there would be an unhandled exception error.
  1. These issues have been resolved- 3D drawings should now display correct dimensions when created using the "Draw Selected Product(s)" option, and the error should no longer occur. 

Pocketing Fix

  1. There were reportedly issues occurring when creating pocketing on parts created in the Solid Model Analyzer when attempting to add a rectangular pocket to a part of a certain size. When adding in rectangular pocketing, there would sometimes be a problem wherein the pocket automatically be calculated to have too many passes for the available space. This issue has been resolved- pockets should now have an appropriate number of passes assigned without any excessive automatic calculation.

Face 6 Fixes

  1. An issue was reported with face 6 machining, wherein multiple parts processed in batches that did not have any face 6 machining applied to them would display on work order reports as having face 6 machining. This issue has been resolved- parts without face 6 machining should no longer show as having face 6 machining on reports. 
Figure 3: Blank face 6 image on a part label.
  1. There was another reported issue regarding labels and face 6 machining appearing on labels for parts that did not have any assigned. Some found that when updating their machining instruction after processing a batch (which has no face 6 machining applied on parts), their labels would change from their set parameters to instead have a blank face 6 machining image replace their expected ones. This issue has been resolved- labels should no longer display any blank face 6 images, and parts without face 6 assigned should only display the correct face on their barcode. 

XML Import Fix

Figure 4: An imported XML file with only "XML Report" in the job description.
  1. An issue was reported by users reporting XML files: the imported XML file would display a blank description field in the project description. This issue has been resolved- project description should be present in imports. 

G-Code Fixes

  1. There was a reported issue experienced by some users when attempting to update their G-code from a composite drawing, wherein the G-code would duplicate rows with empty ones. 
  1. A reported issue would occur when attempting to use the “Make New” option to create new G-code from a nesting composite drawing, wherein parts in the composite would sometimes be duplicated into new rows. 
  1. Both issues have been resolved- updating and creating new G-code from composite drawings should no longer cause issues with code or parts duplicating. 

UI Fixes

  1. There was sometimes an issue when attempting to open reports from either the Toolbox or Production UI, which could cause an error. 
Figure 5: The pop-up dialog box displaying "DXF" on a WMF setting.
  1. Some users experienced a UI issue wherein WMF images would incorrectly be referred to as DXF images by pop-ups in the UI.
  1. There was sometimes an error that would occur when users attempted to use the search function of the “Draw Products” tab. 
  1. All these issues have been resolved- errors should no longer occur when attempting to open reports, search in the "Draw Products" tab, and WMF and DXF images will no longer be erroneously referenced in pop-up dialog boxes. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0328.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox Build 24.1.0328.641

Fillet Token Fixes

Issues were discovered in the use of fillet tokens on products that also had the IRIB setting enabled: 
  1. Some users processed work orders with rounded parts, which should have circular borders. It was found that these products would instead be processed with only semi-circular borders and then abrupt, erroneous square borders. This issue has been resolved- rounded parts should no longer have issues forming proper borders when IRIB is enabled. 

  1. There were reported issues with 3D representation on products that contained fillet tokens, with IRIB enabled. The product would have extra material panels that protruded through the borders of the product. This issue has been resolved- fillet tokens should now no longer create extra materials or have issues clipping through 3D representations. 

2 Radius Route Fix

  1. Parts or products with 2 routes in an overlapping radius were found to sometimes have an issue that led to an incorrect shape, namely with the bulge of the line being nested or represented incorrectly. This issue has been resolved- routes that overlap should no longer have this issue with correct curvature. 

Part Curvature Fix

  1. There was a reported issue the IRIB setting as it was applied to parts with curves on their edges or in their shape. When the part was processed with IRIB enabled, it was sometimes the case that the curves would disappear and be replaced with straight lines. This issue has been resolved- parts with curved borders should no longer have those borders regressing to straight ones.

Vertical and Horizontal Drilling Fixes

  1. There was a reported issue within some files that utilize Toolbox’s post processor, wherein some files that were put through the post processor and imported into other programs were found to have code that incorrectly placed certain aspects (such as horizontal drilling being on the opposite side of the CAM of a part). This issue has been resolved- the post processor should no longer have this issue and horizontal drilling placement should be on the correct side relative to the CAM of a part. 
  1. An issue has been reported by users, wherein vertical drilling on Vitap horizontal boring machines would have incorrectly coded edge attachment, with the vertical drilling on the top-to-bottom edge of the part being coded to attach in the wrong region. This issue has been resolved- vertical drilling should now have no issues regarding placement on Vitap horizontal boring machines. 

Material XData Fix

  1. An issue was reported wherein materials processed would emerge from the work order with the material XData not present in the file name. This issue has been resolved- XData should now appear in file names. 

Flex Store Update

  1. Within IPP settings of Toolfiles, a new output option has been added to the dropdown menu of Material Management, an option to output to a Flexstore .CSV file.

Session Check-in/Check-out Fixes

  1. A few issues related to FLA checkouts and checkout timer have been resolved.
  2. An issue with FLA session check-ins and checkouts not updating to reflect the status of an active session has been resolved.
  3. An issue wherein FLA sessions that have device operation interrupted before the session end would display negative time values rather than check out has been resolved. 
  4. There was a noted issue with FLA network sessions, wherein FLA licenses would sometimes activate an extra seat from an active session, leaving some concurrent users locked out of the work session without cause. This issue has been resolved- extra seats should no longer be registered as taken unless they are actively in use. 

Router Drill Fix

  1. It was reported that some users experienced an issue with the router drill, with certain machines not having their tool composition applied by the router drill. This issue has been resolved- toolcomp should now apply to machines using router drills. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0318.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0318.641

Shadowline Fix

Figure 1: Shadowline shaping issue (left) and fixed (right).
  1. There were reports of users experiencing issues with products having incorrectly shaped shadow lines when the Shadow Line Finger Pull setting was enabled on the product, with there being a change in shape and angle. This issue has been resolved- there should no longer be issues with the shape or dimensions of shadowlines. 

Hinge Machining Fix

Figure 2: Hinge routing machining applied identically.
  1. An issue was reported when attempting to process L-shaped doors and swapping from bore tokens to a routed hole token in the hardware. The result was an erroneously routed and machined hinges on the doors. Both doors would have a left and right hinge route, with both doors having identical values for their hinge machining. Notedly, this issue has manifested before, but in these instances, it only manifested in hinge routing. This issue has been resolved- L-shaped doors should now have correctly applied machining and no longer have issues with routing.

Weeke Toolfiles Modification

Figure 3: New "Remove Lead In/Out for DXF" setting.
  1. Weeke Toolfiles have had an issue resolved through modification- users utilizing Weeke Toolfiles will now need to enable the “Remove Lead In/Out for DXF” setting to ensure there is no functionality issue with leads when using rough cut offset. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0312.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0312.641

Processing Station IDs

  1. Processing stations will have IDs added to them as an option within the Toolbox UI, to better distinguish between different processing stations.

Perfect Graining Fixes

  1. An issue was reported by users regarding copying materials with graining applied. Namely, when users copied a grained material with a tooling code to their project specification group, then opened the material workbook to find said material, it wouldn’t appear. The columns where the material should be placed are not populated. This issue has been resolved- materials with graining and a tooling code applied should now display correctly in the material workbook.  
Figure 1: Erroneous negative Z warning.
  1. There was an issue found wherein users would get an error incorrectly warning them that products they had in their project would not have perfect graining apply due to the negative Z value of said products. This was despite some of the products not having perfect graining applied, as well as none having a -Z value. This issue has been resolved- parts should have their values identified properly, and the error warning should no longer appear when it is not applicable. 
  1. There was a reported issue experienced by some users wherein the PTX file created from the processed batch would not display any information relating to the grain container, which would show as 0.0. This issue has been resolved- grain container values should now display properly on PTX files with all properly input values calculated. 

Microvellum Server Fixes

Several additional features and changes have been made to the UI of the Microvellum Server setup. 
  1. Dividing lines have been added to the end of XML processing in the server event log. 
  1. Microvellum Server has been modified to only restart upon processing XML files. 
  1. A reported issue wherein certain errors (such as “product missing”) would not show on the event log has been resolved.
  1. A sometimes-occurring issue of the server experiencing a UI based bug and crashing has been resolved. 

3D Representation Fixes

Figure 2: Misshapen corner issue on a product.
  1. An issue wherein certain products would have issues with their cutout corners not having correct shape in their 3D representations has been resolved. Products with shapes like rounded corners should no longer run into issues of misshapen corners.  
Figure 3: Angled dado misaligned (left) and fixed (right).
  1. Issues were reported by users who experienced problems with the 3D representation of products with angled dados. The products would sometimes have parts misaligned with the whole of the product. This issue has been resolved- angled dados should display the exact angle value and no longer have issues of misalignment in 3D representation. 
Figure 4: A product with a missing dado token (red).
  1. There was sometimes an issue wherein products would have their dado machining disappear upon changing the values in certain prompts and redrawing the product. This issue has been resolved- dado tokens should no longer disappear from products, regardless of values changed within the product. 
Figure 5: Door tombstone profiles not displaying in 3D (left) and displaying post-fix (right).
  1. Users reported an issue with the profiles of doors not correctly appearing in 3D. When products with certain door profiles were drawn in 3D, the drawing would not display the polylines representing the door profiles. This issue has been resolved- door profiles should display correctly in the 3D drawing. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0306.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0306.641

Destroy Offal Fix

Figure 1: Destroy Offal arc part issue.
There was an issue reported by users utilizing nesting with the “Destroy Offal” setting applied during processing. Specifically, users who had the setting enabled during their nesting found that certain parts (mainly parts with arcs in them) would be erroneously cut through. This issue has been resolved- parts should no longer be cut through on the nest, and the setting should apply correctly.  

Microvellum Server Fixes

  1. An issue was reported within the Microvellum Server, in which users would get small parts error warnings centered around parts that were not small and should not have fallen under the “small parts” threshold. This could lead to difficulty identifying what was causing the error, as the error would only identify under the text of not fitting within the region small parts were placed. This issue has been resolved- there should no longer be issues of parts that are not small falling under that threshold. Parts that cause errors will have an accurate log of what caused the error. 
Figure 2: Product list issue (top) and fix (bottom).
  1. In the Microvellum Server, an issue was identified when users attempted to change the sequence type in their configuration, wherein XML files would have the product numbers in the project all revert to 1.00, rather than their actual product numbers within the project. This issue has been resolved- product numbers should now be accurate even when altering sequence type. 
  1. There was a noted issue of occasional sporadic crashes when attempting to launch the Microvellum Server after initially exiting it. This has been resolved- the issue should no longer occur with any frequency. 

FLA System Overhaul

  1. FLA systems have been given an update to alter the frequency of solo servers polling for connectivity. The frequency has been set to a 10-minute period by default, with a 2-minute delay for retries upon failing to reconnect. The default warning message informing users of a loss of connectivity has been altered to reflect this change. 
Simultaneously with this overhaul:
  1. An issue wherein sessions would lose their check-out status after being disconnected from the internet has been resolved. 
  2. The issue with shared sessions of the software being able to be closed simultaneously across different devices has been resolved. 
  3. A reported issue with the software not removing empty spaces from plugin keys and reading the numbers present in the key has been resolved.
  4. A reported issue with Toolbox AutoCAD locking or being blocked from running after a disconnect from the internet has been resolved. 
  5. An issue wherein the license refresh of an FLA license would report success in refreshing, even if it had failed has been resolved. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0227.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0227.641

UI Fixes

Figure 1: Expansion issue with Function Arguments window.
  1. There was a noted issue regarding the Function Arguments window in the Formula Editor: when one expanded or increased the width of the window, multiple points of the UI and a few buttons would be cut off, with only certain parts of the UI expanding with the window. This issue has been resolved- the UI should now Function Arguments window should expand properly without cutting off any windows or text. 
Figure 2: Illegal character dialog window, lacking a "Do Not Show Again" checkbox.
  1. Some users encountered an issue with the software’s dialog windows: when users generate reports with illegal characters, their reports will have the characters removed without issue to ensure the report generation is not delayed. However, the dialogue box informing users of the change in characters would appear without a “Do Not Show Again” checkbox, leading to issues when multiple words with illegal characters are within a single report, with users having to click “OK” on every individual change. This issue has been resolved- a “Do Not Show Again” button has been added to the UI.  

Worklist File Fix

  1. There was an issue reported centered around the creation of .DAT files. When users generated a .DAT file containing data from a work order, with the option to separate out G-code files by material switched off, the .DAT file would still generate separated by material, regardless. This issue has been resolved- .DAT files with G-code not separated by materials should no longer display materials in the data. 

Saw Processing Station XD Fields

  1. Saw Optimizers have had Extended Data fields added to the Custom Info Fields list.

PTX Oversize Parts UI Fix

Figure 3: Exclude Oversize Parts" setting.
  1. An issue with the UI of the “Exclude Oversize in PARTS_REQ” setting for the PatternExchange saw has been noted, wherein the setting would be visible regardless of one’s saw output type, when it should only appear if one is utilizing PatternExchange saws for output. This issue has been resolved- the setting should now only display if one’s output is PatternExchange. 

Associative Hardware Cutout Fix

  1. There was a reported issue occurring with cutout tokens, wherein a cutout token would not display or machine properly on parts in a stack. This would sometimes occur in different ways, such as parts having 3D cutout representations, but no machining, or vice-versa. This issue has been resolved- Cutout machine tokens should display and machine properly on parts in a stack. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0219.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0219.641

Copy Product Information Fix

  1. An issue has been reported by some users, who found that when attempting to copy and paste their product information by using the “Copy Product Information” option present under the “About Microvellum” screen, they would end up getting information that didn’t match their account number or software maintenance expiration date. This issue has been resolved- the information copied should now display the correct information on one’s software. 

Nesting Fix

  1. There was a reported issue some users experienced when processing their work orders, wherein some would find that using a nest-tab Toolfile would result in their nested batch having been altered, with certain parts rotating, having sections of them cut off and erased from the sheet in their composite drawings. This issue has been resolved- this issue of parts rotating against instruction should no longer occur. 

DXF Edging Fix

Figure 1: DXF edgebanding issue.
  1. Some users reported an issue with the representation of edgebanding within DXF drawings. After processing work orders for certain products, with DXF file creation enabled, the DXF file would incorrectly represent the specifications of edgebanding on the right side of the product. This issue has been resolved- DXF files should no longer have this issue present in the generated drawing. 

Custom Part Labels Fix

  1. There was an issue some users would experience regarding data imported from Toolbox and into Ardis for optimization, wherein the edgebanding data on custom part labels created in Toolbox would be left empty. This issue has been resolved- data in custom part labels should no longer be lost after optimizing in Ardis. 

Tool Override Fix

  1. An issue was reported with tool overrides on materials. When users had a tool override placed on a material, then used the “Modify Work Order” interface to attempt to remove that tool override, it would not succeed at removal. The work order would, if processed, be processed with the tool override still assigned to the material. This issue has been resolved- tool overrides should now be able to be added/removed without issue through the “Modify Work Order” interface. 

Work Order Lag Fix

  1. Some users and clients with larger databases and libraries reported that they had experienced a noticeable degree of lag and long waits in terms of loading times when creating work orders. This issue has been resolved- load times on work order creation should no longer be extended or noticeably laggy. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0213.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0213.641

Edgeband Thickness Fix

  1. An issue was reported centered around the Edgeband thickness of products using formula driven materials from their specification groups. When products were created, then copied, then the copies had their specification group changed to one containing formula driven materials for their edgebanding, users found that the Edgeband thickness would be overridden by whichever specification group happened to have the larger Edgeband thickness. This issue has been resolved- edgeband thickness from formula driven materials should retain proper values.

Offsetpolyline Fixes

  1. Some users experienced and reported an issue with the OFFSETPOLYLINE function, namely, that the function would sometimes produce inaccurately rounded measurements based on the entered values. The results were erroneous in both Imperial and Metric configurations of the software. This issue has been resolved- OFFSETPOLYLINE should now produce accurately rounded measurements when used. 

Saw Optimization Sheet Size Fix

  1. There was an issue reported with the Saw Optimizer when assigning materials to stacks and having different sheet sizes for said material, wherein the program would process materials in a priority order different to that of the assigned priorities in the material file. It would sometimes also not use the proper amounts of sheets in the operation, due to this prioritization issue. This issue has been resolved, with material stacks retaining their proper priority order and the correct number of sheets in their operations.  

Part Thickness Fix

Figure 1: Part thickness with the single value (left) and corrected (right).
  1. An issue was experienced by some users utilizing a component library. This issue would occur when one attempted to process a work order containing a part of a product with only a single value entered in the Thickness column of the part’s Design Data. This would result in an error wherein the user would be informed that there were two contrasting thickness values in the part, and the work order would thus not be able to successfully be processed. This issue has been resolved- the software should now correctly apply the thickness value correctly without issue.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0207.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0207.641

3D Drawing Fixes

Several fixes have been applied to specific issues users reported centered around 3D drawings:
  1. Users reported an issue when creating products with interior corners: sometimes, the interior corner notch would be drawn as part of a circle, being shaped incorrectly in model space. This issue has been resolved and should no longer occur- interior corner notches should now be shaped correctly and without strange alterations.

  1. Some users experienced an issue with the 3D representations and 2D drawings of their products in the 2D Part Editor mismatching, with correct machining often applied, but the visuals of the machining shown in the actual 3D representation was inaccurate to the drawing. This issue has been resolved- 2D drawings converted to 3D using the 2D Part Editor and vice versa should now be displaying accurate representations.

  1. Some users reported an issue with the 3D representation of quarter cabinets, with the lines of the 3D drawing failing to register collinear lines, and thus, the products would have visible clipping in the 3D drawing. This issue has been resolved- quarter cabinets should no longer have a problem with collinear lines or collision between product polylines, clipping, or visuals misrepresenting specifications. 

  1. An issue was reported by users in the Component Cabinet Library, with some using the Microvellum MDF Door System finding the profile of their door would not draw on the left side when the value of “MDF Corner Radius” was altered to any other value but 0. This issue has been resolved- the profile on the left side of the MDF Door System should now draw properly, regardless of the corner radius.
  1. Users reported an issue with the 3D representation of products with shelving units, such as half lapped internal shelves. The shelves would fail to display in the 3D drawing or would clip through the other borders of the product. This issue has been resolved- products with shelving units should no longer have issues with shelves failing to register or display properly in 3D drawings. 
  1. Users utilizing the base front stretcher in custom products found the product would sometimes not draw in 3D correctly, despite being coded and cut correctly. This issue has been resolved- products with the base front stretcher should no longer have issues with displaying their 3D representation. 

  1. Some users reported that there was an issue with the 3D representation of dovetails, with the dovetails on their drawer boxes appearing incorrect or failing to conform to their measurements unless a .01” tool was used in machining. This issue has been resolved- dovetails on drawer boxes should display properly when machined with appropriate tools, not just a .01".

  1. There were reportedly some issues with the 3D representation of hinges in some user’s projects, with the hinges being drawn in 3D being visible through the panels of their products in the model space and renders. This issue should no longer occur.

  1. An issue was reported by users with the 3D representation of camlock dowels in model space. This issue would result in the dowel inserts being separated from their holes, and has been resolved. Dowels should no longer appear broken off from their respective holes in 3D drawings. 
  1. An issue was experienced by some users with the 3D representation of the dados in their corner cabinets, wherein dado machine tokens would apply incorrectly, resulting in the dado disappearing from the drawing. This issue has been resolved- dados should not recede or disappear, and dado machine tokens should apply as specified. 

  1. Another issue with 3D representation of dados was reported by some users, wherein parts or components with dado tokens and dado routing applied would display incorrectly in model space.  This issue was resolved- dado tokens and dado routing should no longer have issues displaying properly within model space or 3D drawings. 
  1. An issue was reported wherein 3D drawings utilizing dado tokens and assigned to cut using profile cutters would not have the 3D visual of the part be shown unless the machine token was .01 smaller than the thickness of the part. This issue has been resolved- dado tokens on parts with profile cutters assigned should no longer have an issue with appearing in 3D drawings. 

Flatshot Fix

  1. An issue with flatshots not hiding certain lines and areas that are meant to be hidden by default in reports, due to the tokens not processing was reported. Users who created work orders with flatshot tokens set to be processed found that the tokens didn’t process in the drawing, leading to an incorrectly drawn flatshot. This issue was resolved, and flatshots should now have their expected lines hidden and 3D lines displaying properly. 

Factory Workbook Overhauls

Changes have been made regarding the accessibility and usability of the Factory Workbook, to best ensure the software does not experience any issues with the data. In conjunction with this, several issues that surrounded the Factory Workbook have been resolved:

  1. The Library Update Utility tool has had an update to its dialogue box prior to using the Library Update Utility, which offers users greater clarity regarding the function of the tool in relation to the Factory Workbook. 
  1. There was an issue when downloading library updates with the Library Update Utility, wherein the new, updated prompts, lookup tables, etc. would not be received within the project level Factory Workbook, only the library level one. 
  1. There was an issue with the Factory Workbooks found when downloading Foundation Library cumulative updates via the Library Update Utility tool, with some users reporting that upon downloading the update, their Factory Workbook would revert to the template workbook of their previous library version, erasing any custom changes made within the workbook.
  1. An issue was reported with the lack of a dedicated UI button for saving changes to a Factory Workbook when working within an SQL environment, which led to difficulties with settings and changes being reverted after a short period of time. 
All these issues have been resolved, and a series of overhauls have been made to the Factory Workbook to accommodate and fix these issues: 

  1. A new permission has been added to the administrative settings within the software, under the “Projects” section: “Allow Project Factory Workbook”, which allows administrators to restrict access to the Project Factory settings. 
  1. Options have been added to the Project Factory Settings to allow for the management of Factory Workbooks:

  1. Enable Project Factory: Allows users to enable/disable the project Factory Workbook. If a project Factory Workbook does not exist, the default Factory Workbook is cloned.
  2. Delete Project Factory: Deletes the project Factory Workbook, even if it is currently disabled.
  3. Clone Default Factory: Clones the default Factory Workbook over the current project Factory Workbook.
  4. Overwrite Default Factory: Overwrites the default Factory Workbook with the project Factory Workbook.
All these options prompt confirmation dialogs before allowing users to proceed with any of them, to ensure there are no erroneous changes to settings. 

  1. Work orders using a customized project level Factory Workbook can now be processed simultaneously with a work order that utilizes the default Factory Workbook, with the work order creation UI being altered to reflect this: projects in work orders using the project level Factory Workbook will have red text, with a legend placed on the bottom of the UI to distinguish the two. 

  1. The Library Update Utility tool has had a section added to its selection, indicating whether Factory Workbooks should be updated as well, under the “Factory Components” section of the Library Specification Group Components to be updated.
These Factory Workbook overhauls are intended to be further expanded upon in upcoming builds.

Material Pointer Fix

  1. Some users experienced an issue with material collection pointers, wherein users who assigned material collection pointers to a part, then processed a work order with that part assigned would find that the LinkID subassembly of the material collection pointer would not fully apply to the assigned part, with only certain materials carrying it over. This issue was resolved- parts with material collection pointers should no longer have difficulties or issues with LinkID or any other assigned aspect being applied as expected.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0131.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0131.641

Solid Modeling Fix

  1. Some users reported that there was an issue with the Solid Modeling Tools and Solid Modeling Analyzer, wherein an error would occur if they attempted to access either, after switching off their Solid Modeling Custom Tools module within their license. This issue has been resolved- SMT and SMA should no longer function as dependent on the Solid Modeling Custom Tools module.

UI Fixes

Several issues with the UI were reported:
  1. When hovering over the “Connection Name” setting in the default saw processing station, the help text displayed was the help text for the “Saw Blade Width” setting, with the correct help text only popping up when one hovered over the input field. This issue has been resolved, with both settings now displaying the correct help text, when one hovers over the setting name.
Figure 1: "Do Not Show Again" option missing.
  1. When users attempted to add machining tokens to parts that they did not have the proper tools in the spreadsheet Toolfile to create, the software correctly displayed a warning message. However, this warning message was unable to be prompted to not show again, with that specific checkbox absent from the UI. This issue has been resolved- the dialog box should now have a "Do Not Show Again" option added to the bottom of it.
  1. The Project Properties UI header has been altered to a different color to correspond with the appearance of other interfaces.
  1. When a user was disconnected from the internet after requesting a module trial, the request would simply cancel and quit the module trial without any displayed error message to inform them. This issue has been resolved- a warning message should now pop up to inform users when they have been disconnected, and that their download should resume when reconnected. 
Figure 2: Previous Drill Depth text (left), updated Drill Depth text (right).
  1. The BORE hardware machine token was found to have incorrect help text when one clicked on the “Drill Depth” value in one’s machining tokens, getting a description that was not concise or accurate to the field. This issue has been resolved- the text has been updated to more accurately reflect the function of the "Drill Depth" field. 

Dado and Polyline Fixes

Figure 3: 2D part drawing before associative polyline token move (left) and after (right).
  1. Users reported an issue with associative polyline tokens, wherein the associative polyline tokens on the right-side part of their product would not cut correctly but would display correctly in 2D drawings and 3D modeling. When comparing 2D part drawings to processed nest composite drawings, it was found that the cut of some parts would be moved. This issue has been resolved- the cut on parts should no longer move when using associative polyline tokens.
Figure 4: Skewed dado route in product.
  1. There was a reported issue some users had with dado routes, with the dado routing in their products being skewed in the cabinet sides when using a ¼” router. This issue has been resolved- a 1/4" router should no longer produce any skewed sides when using dado routes. 

Face 5 Barcode Fix

  1. There was an issue reported by users using spreadsheet PTP Toolfiles, wherein they found that products with HBORE and Face 6 machining applied would sometimes fail to have the “Run” field on the barcode for the face 5 border program, even with “Always Route Borders” applied. This issue has been resolved- the Run field should no appear on the face 5 barcode.

Report Group Fixes

  1. An issue was reported, wherein some users found that when updating their G-code from composite drawings in the aftermath of processing a batch, their G-code would automatically create report groups. This issue persisted even when the “Process Report Groups” setting in the Processing Center was disabled. This issue has been resolved- with the "Process Report Groups" setting disabled, no report groups should be generated. 

Session Connection Fixes

Figure 5: New reconnection dialog box.
  1. A dialog box has been added to inform users who have previously lost connection during a session that their session has successfully been reconnected, to help ensure there is no confusion regarding the status of one’s connection. 
  1. Some users with SLS licenses reported an issue with their event logs: when experiencing an error (such as a lack of internet connection during an attempting opening of a session), the error would not be stored in the event logs, and they were unable to locate any record of it for use as future reference. This issue has been resolved- event logs should now track errors related to connectivity without issue.
  1. There was sometimes an issue experienced by users whose devices had idled in the midst of a session, with the software erroneously giving them a prompt that states they have been disconnected and must reconnect, even when they are currently still connected. This issue has been resolved- users should no longer have this message appear when their station has been left idle, but connected. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0119.641

The following Release Notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0119.641

Exported Toolfiles Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with exported Toolfiles not opening when imported into a project, with even Workbook Designer being unable to open the desired .tlfx file in the program files. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- Workbook Designer should now open imported .tlfx files without issue, and imported Toolfiles will be able to be opened without issue.

Processing Center Parts Fix

  1. There was an issue reported wherein assigning parts to processing stations would occasionally revert. When assigning parts to processing stations, and clearing assignments from certain parts, then processing, attempting to modify the work order after would result in the assigned parts resetting to their original assignments.
  2. This issue has been resolved-  parts assigned to stations should now retain their changed assignments after being processed when one modifies a work order.

License Refresh Fix

Figure 1: Erroneous license refresh duration.
  1. There was an issue wherein the license refresh pop-up that would inform users of the remaining time before they were required to refresh their license in a session would display inaccurate or incorrect spans of time. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- the license refresh UI pop-up should now display the accurate span of time remaining before a refresh is required.

Flatshot Polyline Token Fix

Figure 2: Intended flatshot with polyline token holes.

Figure 3: Flatshot with erroneous polyline token holes.

  1. When creating flatshots of products, there was an issue that some users experienced wherein the polyline token holes on the products in the flatshot would alter or differentiate in their reports, in differing sizes based on the swing direction of the door.
  2. This issue has been resolved- flatshots should no longer experience issues with polyline token holes based on door swing direction.  

Pocketing Fixes

  1. There was an issue occurring in pocketing sequences wherein the sequence of the process would change depending on the rotation of the machining, with certain machining rotations causing cutouts to run before pocketing, resulting in problems with materials dropping before being pocketed or cutout before being pocketed. There were certain situations wherein pocketing would not apply to drawings due to this sequencing problem.
  2. This issue has been resolved- pocketing sequences should now progress as intended, with pocketing occurring before cutouts. 

Setmill Placement Fix

Figure 4: Composite drawing with arc (left) and altered arc with setmill location change (right).
  1. An issue was reported wherein some users found that while attempting to change the setmill location in a composite drawing of a part with an arc would result in the shape of the part changing. Upon processing a batch in the nesting station, adding a new sheet, and creating a part with an arc within the composite drawing, and then altering the setmill location using the Part Tools Tab, the arc would change location, and thus, the shape of the part.
  2. This issue has been resolved- altering setmill location should no longer alter part shapes.

4 Digit File Name Fix

Figure 5: File with incorrect filename (top).
  1. There was an issue reportedly occurring, wherein some users who’d enabled the “Use 4 Character Numeric Filenames” setting in their respective Toolfile found the setting would not apply to work orders that had parts with face 6 machining added to them using the nest editing tools.  
  2. This issue has been resolved- the setting should now function properly when enabled, with files being generated using 4 character numeric names.

CutRite PTX Fix

  1. Some users experienced an issue with the CutRite ASCII station, wherein the station would not correctly swap out the material name and material handling code in all areas of the resultant PTX file. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- CutRite ASCII stations should now properly pass through and display material names and handling codes as intended. 

SMA Rotation Fix 

Figure 6: SMA rotation issue.
  1. An issue was reported wherein parts would not automatically rotate to fit on available sheet sizes. Though this issue could be circumvented by manually rotating the part, the need for the SMA to place a flat edge of the part on the sheet border would lead to an error from the software wherein it would not register the ability to place the part. 
  2. This issue has been resolved- parts should now rotate to automatically adjust and rotate based on the available sheet sizes.

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0112.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0112.641

FLA Connection Fix

  1. There was an issue experienced by some users wherein, sporadically throughout their Microvellum session, they would have an erroneous alert informing them that their device had disconnected from the internet, and their session had ended. This issue has been resolved- FLA sessions should no longer have this message popping up unless a session has been disconnected from the internet for an extended period. 

Spoil Board Unit Fix

Figure 1: Incorrectly rounded spoilboard penetration values.

  1. There was an issue discovered and reported with router spoil board penetration while using the Imperial configuration- the issue would cause the values to incorrectly round to the decimal place, as though it were a Metric measurement. This would, for example, cause a measurement of .004 to round down to 0 rather than simply remain as a .004. This issue has been resolved- the spoiler board penetration value should now accurately match the input value. 

Center Tool Composition Fix

Figure 2: Arc polyline without center tool composition arrow displayed.
  1. An issue was reported with the 3D representation of arc polylines, wherein some users who created arc polylines found that the arrow indicating the center of the tool composition would not appear on screen. This issue was exclusively an issue with the 3D representation, as the center compensation appeared accurately when examining the resultant composite drawings. It has been resolved- center tool compensation should now properly display when routing with a center offset has been added to an arc polyline. 

Module Trial License Refreshing Fix

  1. Some users experienced an issue with the granting of trial modules. When users obtained a trial of a module, the trial would register correctly and enable, as intended, but upon refreshing or restarting of the software, some users found that their trial module would be disabled, the previously granted license not displaying or registered. This issue has been resolved- modules enabled for trial should retain their status as trial modules upon a software reset or refresh. 

Library Designer Fix

Figure 3: Error appearing after exiting the Library Designer UI without selecting products or subassemblies.
  1. An issue was reported with the Library Designer, with users encountering an error that would occur when one entered the Library Designer, added a library, then elected to select products and subassemblies, then exited out of both the products and subassemblies UI. The software would display the error warning above. This issue has been resolved- this sequence of events should no longer result in an error, and users should be able to exit from the Library Designer UI without issue.  

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0108.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0108.641

Face 6 Filename Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with face 6 machining files, wherein after nesting a batch and examining the resultant G-code, they found that the face 6 barcode would be altered to have a filename with an extra “1” character added, leading to problems with certain machines operating, due to the maximum character limitation of 8 being exceeded with the additional “1”.  This issue has been resolved- face 6 machining files should no longer have an additional character added, eliminating any issues of invalid file names. 

Copied Product Name Fix

Figure 1: Copied product reverting name.
  1. There was an issue occurring when users attempted to copy a product within their Product List, renamed the product or gave it different specifications, then opened their parts list, wherein the product would revert to its original name, while retaining the other new specifications. This issue has been resolved- copied parts within the product list should now retain their new names and properties without reverting.

Replace Product Name Modification

Figure 2: "Replace Products" name change to "Replace Product Prompts".
  1. The “Replace Products” button has been deemed to cause unnecessary confusion to users by merit of its name, and as such, has been altered to “Replace Product Prompts” to reflect its function more accurately. 

Product/Part Comment Fix

Figure 3: Product and Part comments Custom Settings issue resolved.
  1. Certain users utilizing part or product comments via the Custom Settings tab in a Saw Processing Station found that after processing they would show up incorrectly or missing in the output file. This issue has been resolved- product and part comments should now display separately when input into a station.  For instance, in an example with Product Comments containing "Hello|World|Test".  Product Comments would output "Hello|World|Test".  Product Comment 1 would output "Hello".  Product Comment 2 would output "World".  Product Comment 3 would output "Test".

Session Checkout Time Fix

  1. There was a reported issue from certain users who found that their FLA based session in session management would sometimes add on an additional few minutes before the session expiration time, leading to confusion. This issue has been resolved; the FLA session timer should now accurately reflect their exact input time without issue. 

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0104.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0104.641

Module Trial Modification

  1. There was a noted issue regarding the “About” UI of the “Help” section of Toolbox, wherein users who requested a 30-day trial module of unpurchased Toolbox modules would not have their request enabled, but rather, have a form prompted to send a request to Microvellum Support. 
  1. The issue has been resolved; the system has been automated to enable the trial to begin upon request rather than being manually enabled by support. 

Specification Group Fix

Figure 1: Material file error crash issue.
  1. Users reported an issue when opening and closing their specification groups within their material file, wherein an error would sometimes occur that caused a program crash.
  1. This issue has been resolved, this error and crash should no longer occur when confirming or utilizing one’s specification groups or material file. 

SCM Border Routing Fix 

Figure 2: Incorrectly calculated border routing.
  1. There was a reported problem wherein the Solid Model Analyzer would not create border routes with sufficient depth. The software would only calculate penetration up to the material thickness, not the standard formula of material thickness + spoilboard penetration. 
  1. This issue has been resolved- border routes should calculate with correct depth using the standard formula. 

Beamsaw Fix

  1. An issue was found with sheet size field when creating G-code with using a beamsaw Toolfile with Perfect Graining applied. When a batch was processed with this configuration, the sheet size field in the header of the resultant G-code from that specific batch would erroneously display the full sheet size when cutting parts out of the container, rather than displaying the full sheet size only during the creation of the grain container, then displaying the container size during cutting.
  1. This issue has been resolved, the sheet size section in the heading should now display the full sheet size during the creation of grain containers, and the container size when cutting the container. 

Product Report Prompts Fix

Figure 3: ProductReportPrompt error.
  1. There was a noted issue that would sometimes occur for users attempting to utilize the “ProductReportPrompts” or “SubassemblyReportPrompts” table with a custom report. When attempting to customize the report utilizing these tables, the result would be an error that would prevent users from previewing the report. 
Figure 4: New prompt message pop-up.
  1. This issue has been resolved- the tables have been modified to discount any error causing prompt names or variables within them, displaying a message to prevent errors and alert users of the changes.

Machine Token Fixes

A few issues with machine tokens were noted or reported:
  1. An issue was reported wherein users utilizing a polyline token in conjunction with a product or drawing with face boring applied would find that face boring would not be applied when the polyline token was active within the drawing in certain part shapes (namely, part shapes applied inside of polygons). 
  1. A similar issue was noted when drawing parts with vertical drilling applied in 2D, wherein the vertical drill machining would not appear on the part unless all polyline machine tokens were removed from the part. 
  1. Users would sometimes have an issue with machine tokens disappearing on parts with IRIB applied. 
Figure 5: Buyout machining issue (left) and resolution (right).
  1. There was an issue reported when users marked certain parts of their products as Buyout using the “Is Buyout” system prompt, which, when used, should indicate that the specific part, hardware, or subassembly is to be omitted from the work order and not manufactured. Users encountering this issue would find that when marking certain hardware, components, or parts as buyout, the parts would instead fail to draw or have any machining tokens applied to them.
  1. There was an issue with the “Update Machine Tokens from Template” option within the material file. Some users found that when inspecting their specification groups, and attempting to update multiple materials, either custom or in custom categories, with new hardware machine tokens, then using the “Update Machine Tokens from Template” option to apply all the new machining, only the last selected material would have the update applied to it, with the rest failing to save or register the change.

OEM 2024 

Toolbox OEM 2024 has been released, and contains a number of changes, including new system variables, alterations to existing commands, and the obsoletion of commands. 

New System Variables
AUTOPLACEMENT = Controls whether placement suggestions are displayed as you insert a block.
PLACEMENTMODE = Controls the display of block placement suggestions.   

Changed Commands
INSERT = Displays the Blocks palette, which you can use to insert blocks and drawings into the current drawing.  As you insert a block, the Block Placement engine displays placement suggestions based on where you've placed that block before in the drawing. 
PDFSHX = Controls whether text objects using SHX fonts are stored in PDF files as comments or hidden text when you export a drawing as a PDF file.  New option to create hidden text from text objects that use SHX fonts. 

Obsoleted Commands and System Variables
PCINWIZARD = Displays a wizard to import PCP and PC2 configuration file plot settings into the Model or current layout.  Status = Importing PCP and PC2 configuration file plot settings is no longer supported.  
GEOLOCATEME = Displays or hides an indicator, in model space, at the coordinates corresponding to your current position.  Status = Removed.

Before installing, consult the Toolbox System Requirements article for up-to-date recommendations on the minimum system specifications for running OEM 2024. 
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