Missing Machining for Locks & Pulls on Suspended Cabinets CCL 48_0
It has been pointed out to me that we have a few jobs that have Suspended Drawer Cabinets that they are wanting Pulls and Locks on. For some reason in our CCL 48_0, we are not getting machining for the Pulls or the Locks. I am guessing that there is some
Changing Prompt Values or Control Types
I have a question regarding Prompt Values and Control Types of Microvellum Prompts as they pertain to different cabinet models in Library Designer. Using the "Back Construction" prompt as my example here. We've edited the standard Microvellum Values,
ItemNumber 3D positions are whacky...
The new Extruded Master Part & Extruded Master Countertop seem to handle positioning of the ItemNumber in 3D space differently -- yet the formulas are the same. When the ItemNumberX3D & ItemNumberY3D values are changed, no positional change actually occurs.
FOUNDATION ADA Sink Angled Frame
I can not locate the dim sitting at the top of the product. The only dim shown in EDD is the Width Dim, that I have already added a formula to. How do I find where it is located, I want to delete it.
Flip individual parts for Face 6 Machining?
I see the options for Flip Face 6 Type: "NoFlip", "Mirror", "FlipXAxis", & "FlipYAxis" There's also the option for "Run Face 6 First" Is there any option to flip just parts needing Face 6 operations? Like generate the Face 5 nest, then generate individual
Can you import projects from older Foundation libraries to new foundation libaries?
We have an older computer we are sacrificing to be our server, so I exported projects and work orders from past jobs. Most are from 22.03xx Foundation library and the 22.0903 Foundation Library. We are on the newest 0520 library. What would happen if
How to break association of a copied product?
I have created a copy of a plan view to use else where in the drawing but dont want it connected back to the original product. Is there a way to break the association with the original.
Foundation Thick Back
I have a project that needs a Base Product to have a Thick Back. Interested in knowing how to Miter the sides and back: It looks like the back stretcher would need to not have a setback and the bottom depth would need to be changed? Wondering if anyone
how to draw MV sections with no tokens
as title states please
Print out a list of all products in the library
I never had to do print a complete list of products as shown on MV Database Explorer treeview but in a nice report format. Does anyone know if such report is available?
Grain matching and grain direction issues..
We have a large job where we need to grain match across several cabinets, including horizontal grain on all doors and FEs. It does not seem to be working properly and I don't know where I am going wrong. Any insight will be helpful or should I create
Dynamic Image creation problem - index out of range
Hi. Getting the below error message when trying to create a dynamic image of a product. To my knowledge, nothing has been changed to cause this and I have searched endlessly to try and find an error or anything that may shed some light on this through
Extruded C/Top
I understand the product is still in its beginning phase. I opened a Ticket for some explanation of questions I have as called out in the attached.
Hello, Could someone tell me how to assign a different color to each material I create in a microvellum project. I know from the video that it's done, but I can't find it. I was told that it was autocad which manages the colors, but how to assign and
Centering labels on page
Can someone please give me a suggestion as to how to center our labels on a page? Ours come out a little bit skewed, I believe it is a margins issue but we cannot figure it out. TIA and regards to all!
FF Drawer Rails to run full length
Hi Id like to request a feature for the FF library to have the option for when making drawer units, that the frame rails run the length of the unit, and the stiles are haunched into them. By default its the rails are haunched into the stiles and for us
Looking for Better Nesting Solutions for Microvellum and CNC
Hello everyone, I’m curious to know what nesting optimization software everyone is using to send Microvellum drawings to CNC machines? Currently, I’m using the free version of MaxCut, and then I manually copy the results onto the sheet material in Microvellum
Bump Ons Global
Would like the option to set a global position for door bumpers & a seperate global for drawer front bumpers positions. We typically have door bumpers top & bottom of doors and drawer front only in the left & right centre positions (2 x per drawer front).
Face Frame 24.0520 Sinks Remove Top Rail Bug
Hi, Saw this today and wanted to check the newest build. Looks like its still happening. Its formula is: =Face_Frame_Opening_Height+IF(Overlay_Door=1,Door_Overlay_Top+Door_Overlay_Bottom,-2*Inset_Door_Reveal)-IF(Add_Top_Facia=1,Top_Facia_Height+IF(Intermediate_Rail=1,IF(Overlay_Door=1,(Face_Frame_Intermediate_Rail_Width-Door_Overlay_Intermediate_Rail_Above-Door_Overlay_Intermediate_Rail_Below),Face_Frame_Intermediate_Rail_Width+2*Inset_Door_Reveal),Horizontal_Door_Gap),0)
Strip Lighting
I know that the Foundation library includes a Strip Lighting Insert sub-assembly. Could I suggest adding a 'generic' or 'custom' option which would include the depth and width to cut the dado for hardware other than the 3 included options. Reports could
Cant Place Cabinets (2 Bugs)
Hi, I'm not able to right click and place a cabinet. I've rebooted twice (Usually if this happens restarting fixes it). But its still not drawing. I've noticed this bug for a little while now. I wanted to wait until we got OEM2024 before reporting something
Project Categories to help load times
HI all, We have a large project currently in drafting and some drafters are starting to comment that load times are getting slow (things like loading project and accessing Overdrive Pro). If we broke this project in to categories would this improve some
AC Lisp
I have searched to see if the text in a Multileader can be permanently set to justify Center. It does not seem possible. Has anyone running AC been successful in creating the routine?
drawer box doweling in foundation library
keep playing with the specification group settings drawer dowels keep ending up to close or into the Dato. we use 3/4 material for all drawer parts with bottom Dato into sides back and front other than going into parts properties/maching tokens to change
Trim Cuts
When cutting a sheet that has both face 5 and 6 machining, we machine the face 6 first as a full sheet. Microvellum does a trim cut for a reference edge before flipping, however this cut is a full depth pass. Is there a way to control this so that it
Showing product prompt value in product label report
Is there a way to display a product prompt value on a product label? I want to show adjustable shelf quantity on each product's label. I have an L level prompt called "Adj Shelf Qty" that lives in the product. Is there any way I can access the value of
Spec Group Color Changed and Error Message
Hello MV Community, Has anyone else ran into this error? I have to wonder if I am just supposed to verify that the components are correctly assigned or if I am to also check each component for correct settings. All of the material names for one of my
Product Engineering Team Meetup
Will the Latest Product Engineering Team Meetup be added to the video line up is there a link to it. I got call in to a meeting just before it start with a new client so I missed it :( Cheers
Foundation Library - RH Door Handle Formula Not Correct
As the tilte mentions - the formula has Left not Right and the handle height need to be considered (i.e base point).
Foundation Shelf Standards
Where are they located to make the change from line bore to standards?
Is there a quick method to Draw and Process
I had a Joinery wall that was Curved and needed a lot of holes in the panels that could not be done in a drilling array.
shaving cabinet doors
Hello All whats the best solution to do shaving cabinets with 16mm substrate with 4mm mirror to face and then add add 3mm metal trims to each door. im sure their is a easier way to do this.
Switching to Foundation Library? Why or why not?
Ok general question for people still on Component Library (like us) What is stopping you from switching to Foundation Library? We just found another fundamental flaw at the core of MV in Component Library (not going to go into) and the response we get
Master Vertical Designer Cabinet
Where are the instructions to change the vertical Splitter to a "Drawer Stretcher", once you change the "Product Type" to "base"?
Feature Request: Highlight entire row of subassembly that is selected
I know that when accessing the subassemblies from the main cabinet prompts the selected subassembly has bolded text. What we would like to see is that the background of the row for the selected subassembly be highlighted a unique color similar the picture
Hardware Options Tab
Hi All, I've been wracking my brain for a bit now and I can't seem to figure this out but is there a way to hide the Hardware Options Tab if it's not needed? In my situation, if my customer is not ordering knobs or pulls with the job, then I don't want
Foundation "Cross Section" DIMS
In CCL I can make a change/add to section dims to satisfy a clients desired looked, through Part Properties" Where in the Foundation will the option be found, it is not in "Part Properties"
Accept Cookies Strip (Cant it be removed?)
I click I Accept but it doesn't do anything. I do use Ad Block if that makes any difference.
Multiple Subassemblies of The Same Type
Over the years of editing products we now have multiple subassemblies of the same type. I.E. about 10 Carcass Base. Is there a way to easily purge these? Safe to delete the extras with Database Explorer and then checking the left over one?
Changing Draw Box Depth in the Foudation Library
I need to change the box depth, The product needs 4" open space behind the drawer boxes. I cant use the chase option because the outlets are in the bottom of the box. Any help would be appreciated.
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