Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0805.641

Toolbox Release Notes | Build 24.1.0805.641

The following release notes apply to Toolbox build 24.1.0805.641

Material Flip Fix

  1. An issue with materials encountered when using MV Server has been reported by users. When attempting to process materials that have any type of flip enabled, it is expected that the materials will adhere to the respective setting value specific to them, with the default value being 0 (flip on a material-by-material basis). On Microvellum Server, an issue was found where if one processes a material that has always flip enabled, the default value of the flip setting in the database will change from 0 to 2, meaning all materials will have Always Flip set as the default. This issue has been resolved- the setting should be set to apply the default unless specified to do otherwise. 

Fillet Corner Machining Fix

  1. There was reportedly an issue with fillet corner tokens not appearing in 2D. When attempting to draw a product created in an earlier build that had fillet corner tokens added in a newer build, the fillet corner tokens would not be drawn in 2D correctly, despite appearing to be represented correctly in 3D. This issue has been resolved- fillet corner tokens should be machined correctly in newer builds. 

2D Section View Redrawing Fix

  1. Users reported an issue with deleted 2D drawings redrawing. Sometimes, when one created a 2D drawing of a product, then deleted the 2D drawing, and redrew the 3D product, the deleted 2D drawing would reappear as well. This issue has been resolved- unwanted 2D drawings should no longer redraw upon altering a product. 

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