work order naming
is it possible to rename an existing work order without having to re-process it?
Is it possible to have Product Description show up in the Product Name?
Is it possible to have product description show up in the Product Name? Example - I have a generic product called "S4S" but would like to be more specific at times. I would want a text field so I could add in something like "Island Apron" and the Product
Reports (Multiple Prompts/Comparisons)
Hi, I'm trying to update a report to compare multiple product prompts. I can add each prompt to the report, however I cant get them to talk to each other. I pretty much have to write "5pc Drawer" or "5pc Drawer Large" in a column. So I need to be able
Unwanted custom edge banding material
A custom edge banding material created for an older job pops up in a new project. How do I remove it?
Custom Product Help
I am adding the Rakks EH brackets to our library. I did so by creating a new empty part and adding parts until I had the shapes needed to represent the brackets. I added prompts so that I could use the same part for different sized brackets. Then I
Hardware Report
I have 2 hardware reports. One I use for requisitioning hardware and one I give to production so they know what hardware they need to pull per product in assembly. I attached a pic of the one I use for requisitioning. I have hardware with associative
Radius corners getting a square boarder route, then the radius, in the nest
I am having an issue where parts analyzed with SMA is not including the radius in the boarder route in the nest. The nest will do the radius machining first, then there will be a boarder route, routing the perimeter of the part but not including the
multipass tool
I’m trying to create a multi pass too to do this… can someone tell me if my settings look correct? see attached...
Add the Part to a Machining Error Dialogue Box
Add the part name, or row number, to the error dialogue box when redrawing a product with machining errors.
New Release Available Today: Build 22.1.0525.641
We are happy to announce that the update to build 22.2.0525.641 is now available! This build features several improvements related to Database Management, Edit Design Data, and IPP Tool File functionality. Read the complete Release Notes for this build.
Die wall Creation
I've Been Modeling and creating some Die walls and wondering if there is a quicker way to; Create library item that is parametric for different requirements Not use Autocad to model these products and not use SMA
Adding New Table to Global File Error
What would cause this error when adding a new table to the Global file? v43.4 Metric (Customized) library. Application does not support just-in-time (JIT) debugging. See the end of this message for details. ************** Exception Text **************
Toolbox OEM 2022 Microvellum menu/panel
Our shop is moving some of our Toolbox AC licenses over to Toolbox OEM and one issue our users are pointing out is that when the Microvellum menu/panel (MVTB7) is docked, you cannot close it or set it to auto-hide. You can only auto-hide if it is un-docked
FEATURE REQUEST: "Sister" materials within Scrap manager
I believe nearly all MV libraries are set up with two separate 1 sided materials, one for face 5, and one for face 6. When it comes to a scrap panel it would be great if you could have it used for either material, instead of only the one. It would require
Old Version Downloads
A couple guys at my old employer (WS) wanted to look at MV again- they were on support until 2019 and so the last license they have is for 2019 tool box. It is still working fine on the workstations it was installed on- but these guys would like to try
Breaking Arcs into Quadrants When Processing...
I'm sure it's a simple change and I know this is a common issue ... just don't know where to change this. But we are getting some incorrect programs and need to break arc segments into quadrants (90° max ... vs 180° or larger arc segments. Wasn't ever
Updating Composite and Publishing GCode
When I go to update a composite file and run update existing or create a new work order from the drawing it will complete, but it does not automatically copy it to our network directory, it will stay within the SQL server's folders. I have been copying
Work Order LinkID
Hi I have been ask to find a way if possible to modify how the work order is created EX: If we add 5 identical panels, the work order create 5 differents LinkID If we add a panel with the Qty 5. The work order create one unique LinkID If we scan the
Subassembly Filler Return Machining
Hi . See attached. The Return filler is doing a pocket instead of a route. The formula has no option for a 'Route5'. Am I missing something? I reckon it should be the following formula...or similar. Machine Token =IF(L_Shape_Filler=1,"PLINE5","")
FEATURE REQUEST - Import Materials to Project level
Hi. It would be great if we could import materials via the spreadsheet into a project rather than into the library. Thanks
MV Bookshelf - April 2022: "The Toyota Way" by Jeffrey Liker
Another month, another book! Seems like we're on a lean manufacturing kick. We had The Goal back in December, DevOps last month, and now, by popular vote, The Toyota Way! Can't wait to get started on this book! (FYI, there is a second edition to this
Help Text and Possibly Image Improvements
This has been said before by myself and others but it sure would be nice if the help text could word wrap and not disappear. Ever since it was changed to the bubble from the original red text at the bottom that stuck, it has been a nuisance for longer
FEATURE REQUEST: The Ability to double click for on-screen measurement when using the calculator
I often find myself trying to double click in the calculator fields through the product prompts to take a particular measurement from screen and then allow the calculator to calculate the remaining values, unfortunately double clicking in this particular
How can a LookUpTable be accessed in a report?
How can a global LookUpTable be accessed in a report?
What Printer to buy?
We have recently installed MV and we are are now looking to buy a printer to set up next to our CNC machine for labelling. Any suggestions on what make or model printer that you guys have purchased that would be a good option for us to purchase?
Perfect Grain Container
Can someone tell me what's that. In a Tall cabinet, the doors won't go in the nesting. I hjave a nessage telling me that the Perfect Grain Container is too large for the sheet size. Why?
How to truncate text in reports?
We are currently using a version of the "Draw Box List Report" that also shows the hardware for the drawer slides. As we progress I want to be able to add more information to the report. But to be able to do that I would like to cut down on some of
Converting acadlt 2_D drawing to MV
I have a project drawn ( plans & elevations) in AcadLT and would like to add the MV products on the same drawing file. I started a project and a room but am unsure how to add the AcadLT drawing (including all the layout tabs) into the MV environmen
Coat hooks, hardware
I was watching a couple of Microvellum videos regarding inserting hardware as a subassembly. One particular video was inserting a coat hook into a cabinet. In that video it showed a pretty long list of hardware items in the subassemblies list. Link
Add Part - Multi-Pass CNC Cut
Is there any way to add multiple passes on CNC cut when you add a part in nest editing??
Doweling holes miss aligned from right to left
Hi all! I've got a problem where my dowel holes from left side to right side of my cabinet are coming out off by .003" different. On the nested side panels the right side are .375" but the left side are coming out .3747" from the edge. Does any one have
tools with profiles
Hi Microvellum Community, I've been trying to make a special profile tool so when I use it we could see the detail on the parts, its not working for me it just comes out as a square cut, I've even copied an existing tool with a profile changed it and
Thick back and hanger notch
Does any one know of a way to have a hanger notch machined when using a thick (3/4") back. 1/2" back it works fine but once you change it to a 3/4" back it wont put it in.
Persistent Product List
This has been a long time issue but i would like it if the product list didn't close when you edit the prompts or properties in the drawing. Sometimes i work back and forth between the two and it is very frustrating to wait for the product list to reopen
Work Order Batch Size - Open Discussion
Alright, I thought I'd create another open discussion on how people are handling work order batches. I've seen posts and replies to posts about batches of all sizes. So, how are you handling batch sizes? Do you practice LEAN manufacturing? Are you most
Calculating Labor Costs - Open Discussion
I'm curious how companies calculate their labor costs and how they may be breaking it down. I've seen companies that have things calculated and broken things down by assemblies (carcass, doors/fronts, drawer boxes, toe kicks, counters, etc.), and others
Separation between pieces CNC
Hello MV friends! We are just getting started with CNC and want to know if there is any standard separations between pieces when nesting or literature that could enlighten us on the subject? Any help is appreciated. Ben
Editing Formulas
Morning All, I haven't really tried to edit formulas on Microvellum before but have tried it this morning with no luck. Is anyone able to let me know what I might be doing wrong with the attached formula? I am trying to add a tick box to add a semi recessed
Placed part label report and paint colour
Hi I've set up all my formula driven materials and just wanted to know if anyone could give me some info on how they get the part placement report stickers to have the paint finish colour on them. We cut a whole bunch of different jobs at the same time
Rounding Quantities Up in Report Designer
I would like to have all my quantities for rounded up on my edge banding report. How can I do that in report designer?
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